I just wanted to check with you guys to make sure I have this right. I have a PSA graded shadowless pack with Charizard artwork. Just because PSA has labeled this pack as shadowless, it is not necessarily shadowless right? There is no way to tell if the pack has shadowless cards unless the pack is open right? So just because PSA has labeled this pack as shadowless, it is not guaranteed to be shadowless? Thanks
There’s two types of shadowless pack - the long seal and the short seal. The short seal has a chance of containing shadowless packs, but not a guarantee. Every documented long seal pack, on the other hand, has been found to contain shadowless cards. Most PSA graded packs have been weighed so it’s not financially advisable to open them.
It depends. There’s two types of shadowless pack - the long seal and the short seal. The short seal has a chance of containing shadowless packs, but not a guarantee. Every documented long seal pack, on the other hand, has been found to contain shadowless cards. Most PSA graded packs have been weighed so it’s not advisable to open them if you have hopes of finding a holo card.
Thanks for the info. I don’t plan on opening it just curious.
Does the PSA label say shadowless?
@garyis2000 yes the label says shadowless
Does the flap in back have the shadowless look?
Next time I get into my safe, I’ll check the flap on the back. This was just a pic I had from my collection thread.
Honestly would it surprise anyone if it did not have the long seal? PSA probably didn’t pay that close attention, but I am curious to know lol
either way, short or long crimp, it’s still considered a shadowless pack