PSA Graded 4.4M+ Pokemon Cards in 2023 - #1 category by almost double

I heard of the $1 sports bin. I can see $5 for Pokémon in 2024


It’s definitely going to happen lol.

Would be nice to see the breakdown of vintage graded vs junk slabs (all ultramodern).


That’s kind of what I was thinking. But it is a really cool card.

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Looking at the top 5….

They are all Japanese cards. I honestly would have thought that most of the junk slabs would be English. Honestly surprises me they are all Japanese. Could this also be due to the market boom in Japan earlier this year?

I don’t know if we should classify all of ultramodern as junk slabs. The cut off for a non junk slab should be full arts or something along those lines. In addition to no added value.

When you can grade 90% of the time in a 10 right from the pack, it’s a junk slab. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t have current value but this is the case for nearly all ultramodern pokemon. People doing regular rares, Commons and vmax and whatever else, yeah, I don’t know what to say about that lol


We need pokemetrics back now more than ever!

edit: turns out it was updated a few days ago?!

Check out this years most graded cards / sets

Also, It looks like V Star Universe will overtake Base set very soon to be the most graded set ever which is pretty crazy.

All Time:

  1. 392,379[1999 BASE SET]

I can’t say anything specific, but this website and its data are under new ownership.


Fair point. I still think that depending on what the 90% PSA 10 card rate is, it could still be worth getting graded. Im currently thinking of the nagaba eevees which are 100% viable junk slab examples lol.

I can share the information now.

The Pokemetrics is back and it’s maintained by tcgfish.

It’s such a great tool in the hobby, we need to keep it running.

Edit: It’s also my great honor to run it. Pichu did a lot of incredible work. It’s by far the best POP analysis tool on the market.


This deserves an e4 badge. Honorable acquisition to keep the data alive!


the thing is, sports have numerous companies printing cards for the same athlete and I have no idea what makes half of them more valuable than the others.

Not even surprising when like 80% of videos praise the hell out of grading and telling viewers they should grade themselves.

I think its more about price memory… the pikachu on the ball (similar promo as grey hat pikachu) was scarce initially (reaching $2000+ around release i think for a raw card) then was made through game stores in the UK… then the rest is history… this card flooded into PSA and the market was saturated to bring the price of a psa 10 to 50 bucks.

I suppose same story for the Zard.

It’s unsustainable. Pairs very well with the stagnation thread.

Where are people keeping all these slabs?

If you can’t get 150,000 people interested in the special arts to maintain a decent price raw, you certainly cannot expect millions of graded cards to be absorbed into the market.


We could all start collecting mystery boxes and then grade them aswell lmfao

Only 1 company gets the exclusive rights to make sports cards with each organization. Fanatics is pretty much taking over every sport currently. Other companies can produce cards but without team logos and often players are signed exclusively with 1 company to sign for. Within the companies they produce different sets, rarity and aesthetics plays a big factor in the value of those products.

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