PSA 10 1st ED Neo Revelation Dogs

Talking about the Holos here. I see an Entei on eBay for 750$. What about the other two dogs? Safe to assume they’re the same price range?

I don’t think these have an established market value yet but from what I’ve seen Raikou and Suicune are worth way more. I’ve never seen entei sell for more than $600 while the other 2 have sold for $1,000 or more.

entei probably around 650 usd
raikou 1500 usd or maybe even more
suicune i dont know haha

last time i checked a few months ago they were going 1k+ each roughly.

i am missing suicune still :slightly_frowning_face: might have to find soon before prices go up more.

Most recent sales that I’ve seen on public auctions have been at these price points:

Entei: $500-700.
Raikou: $1600-2200
Suicune: $1000-1300

These prices are quite accurate because I’ve followed, bought, and sold these over the course of the past year. Prices are directly correlated to their populations and popularity.

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Thanks for your insight, everyone! :blush: