Population on this card?

Whats the population on the top 16 tropical beach card?



Looks like 2 at grade 9

Sorry, I mean how many were there made in the world? its not just 16 right?

Bulbapedia tells me there were 3 divisions for Worlds back in 2012 so I think there’s 3 sets . Then the other question is how they’re distributed. If we’re assuming that the Champion only gets the Champion card and not a copy of the Finalist, Semi-Finalist etc. cards as well then…

1 Champion

1 2 Finalist

1 3 2 4 Semi-Finalist

1 3 5 6 2 4 7 8 Quarter-Finalist

1 → 16 Top 16

That would make it so that Players 9 → 16 got the Top 16 card, multiply it by 3 and my guess would be there’s supposed to be 24 copies of the Top Sixteen card.

EDIT: Bulbapedia tells me 96 copies, I’ll take their answer over mine anyday.




I’m fairly certain that you receive all the stamped promos up to your placing, champion gets all, finalist gets all but champion, and so on…

That adds up to Bulbapedia’s 96 then, 16 Top Sixteen cards, 2 of the same card for each person, 3 sets for 3 divisions