[Poll] Are you taking advantage of modern stonks?

Denial is strong… Just have fun. Prices go up is no individuals fault, so stop worrying about other people. Do YOU.

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I said yes, but I don’t mean anything higher end like big alt arts, but more like some of the more desirable illustration rares and similar. I think there is still significant movement yet to happen in modern, but a lot of it is backed by fomo etc. Recent movements have allowed me to grow my collection substantially and I do think that some of this is healthy for both newer and older collectors.


Welp, I’ve finally given in to temptation and have started to sell off some cases. The prices are just too insane right now.

Turns out the irrational side of modern really won out this time.


I try to take advantage of the ultramodern cards that have a good return after grading. I also buy and hold some booster boxes here and there if I see potential it in. From there I put that money I make into what I want for the PC and other Pokemon hobby expenses.


My bank balance would disagree. Why can’t it be both? Isn’t that one of the biggest aspirations of modern society - to make money doing something you love?

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There is a difference between buying mons because you like them and selling what you dont want, and buying cards exclusively to sell. The first is a hobby, the second is a side-hustle.

The 1st one is how you both make money and have fun, the second is a job, you are more likely to get burnt out via the second option and love for pokemon cards is SO likely to diminish with the second than compared with the first.

My response was rhetorical, really. This TCG objectively can be both a side hustle and a hobby. I’m simultaneously both a collector and somebody who buys cards and products to sell at a later date because I enjoy them, so I believe other people will, resulting in a predicted future price growth. Many on e4 do the same.

Not wanting to sound argumentative! but I think you’re splitting hairs that don’t need to be split. There’s not sufficient additional effort in ordering extra copies of a card you’re buying for your personal collection with a view to selling them at a later date because you believe they’ll increase in value, for it to be considered a job. For example, I bought and graded a Yu Nagaba Pikachu for my personal collection, I like and enjoy the card, believe others will too, believe it will increase in value in the future, so I buy additional copies to put to one side with a view to capitalising on predicted price growth. That is me both collecting the card and treating the tcg as a passive side-hustle. Treating some aspects of the TCG as a side hustle also isn’t a one-gear effort. The individual can scale the effort to their personal preference. I have a much more passive take, others may be a lot more active and spend more hours treating it as an active side-hustle.