PokeRev LIVE - 1st Edition Base Set Booster Box Opening

Seems as though Pokerev is going to open a base 1st ed box. Packs are super expensive but that’s a given due to the box


What a tool.

$6500 per pack?

Whoever, as a collective, pays him $34,000 to open boosters for them are morons.

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$6.5k for a pack*

*and attention from the largest audience in the entire hobby


Stay off whatnot…


Based on how many I can add to my cart, it seems like he still has 26 of the packs available. His openings normally sell out quickly, I wonder if this is just too expensive for the current environment.

His audience is mostly people who dont have $6.5k


Littl Kids go crzy

Some guy told me whatnot is garbage.

Or pissed off parents when they find out their credit card was used


The timing for this seems odd. His views have been trending down, although still the leader for poketubers, so maybe he’s hoping this will get people watching again.

Rev’s packs are always super expensive. This actually seems relatively cheap vs what I’ve seen him do in the past for boxes nowhere near as rare lol

It’s a wonder that there are still so many trying to grind the same content. Even in a good environment, there’s only so much you can talk about.


No offense to Rev or anyone who does box breaks but I feel like it’s time for some new innovation when it comes to Pokémon card content for the masses. I’ve grown tired of them and I imagine a lot of other people must be too. Logan’s box break in 2020 was like when a new original movie comes out and blows people away, revitalizes a genre, everyone’s really excited about it… and then for the next 4 years it’s an endless stream of movies with a similar tone/plot/characters/formula that get beaten into the ground until they become a parody of themselves. I’m looking forward to seeing someone break the mold and do something new and exciting.

I do hope this goes well for him and the people involved have a great time, not trying to be a downer, just my personal thoughts on box break culture.


Its a pretty huge deal to open a 1st ed base box. To date, Rev has only opened 1 other 1st ed base box on stream (unless im mistaken) and that was pre Logal Paul boom. This was in April 2020 to be exact. Idk if i’d call it overpriced either :person_shrugging: People who are willing to spend this amount of money on packs are not doing it for the return on investment lol. It’ll make for an entertaining stream and I might actually tune in for the first time in months.


His videos in the early days were informative (going over errors, how to authenticate items, lessons learned from times he was scammed). Good for him to be in a position like this.

Also off topic, over the years Nick got jacked lol


He did, I on the other hand did not get jacked


There’s only so many ways to open up plastic and cardboard that appeals to the masses

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Almost forgot this is today, 24 packs sold.

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I forgot too. I think it was going to be tough to sell all 36 packs

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I wonder if he’ll allow people to buy in after the break has started. The first dozen packs could have less than the average number of Holos pulled which would make it more advantageous for people to buy in and have a higher chance of getting a Holo

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