Pokemon Tattoo thread!

Thinking about possible ideas and thought what better way to express and show your Poke devotion than showing off your tatts as well as advice for first timers, such as I, artist recommendations and general ideas.

Still on the fence about when I want to get it done, i.e. the release of a certain set, but am thinking of getting the famous 1st Ed. stamp on my inner wrist, along with, and this I just thought of tonight, getting each set symbol up to Destiny on each of my fingers.

Can’t wait to hear from all of you

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Thick or thin? Lol


here’s my pokemon tattoo

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btw dude please don’t get tattoos on your fingers…wrist tattoo can at least be hidden - you’ll regret it one day


thinking about the 1st ed tattoo i realised we are all first editions and it made me smile.


That’s Ryan’s :blush: pixelvendors on here :ok_hand:

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Unless you have a twin!


That’s a thick yeahhh

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Will be a grey stamp one day.



Years ago I would have said that’s a stupid idea. Now I say go for it! Do what makes you happy. But you should be aware of the fact that even though tattoos are more acceptable nowadays than they’ve ever been in human history, employers still frown upon any visible ink, because you are a representation of their company.

Some employers make exceptions, (depending on how skilled/in demand you are), or you could get into blue collar work/run your own business, where tattoos are even easier to get away with.

Trust me, you would hate to be turned down from a high paying job because of any visible tattoos. I’ve heard the stories. But once again, do what makes you happy. Like the kids say… YOLO! Lol.



what the actual fuck is that hahaha!!!

Here are couple Awesome tattoo ive saved that ive seen on ig over time


I don’t have any tattoos but I’m pretty sure when I get one it’s going to be Pokemon related.

Ariana Grande’s

I’m working on the right abstract yet realistic Eevee for my forearm.

Do you have a design in mind? I’d love a chance to work on some art again, let me know if you want to work together! :blush: