Pokemon Pocket trade thread

I have Zapdos for you. Let me know your FC and we can trade

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I get one already! But thank you so much for the offer!! Really appreciate it

I am missing the following from Genetic Apex:

4 diamond
056 Blastoise Ex
195 Wigglytuff Ex

Friend code:


What do you have to trade?

Exeggutor Ex
Starmie Ex
Zapdos Ex
Marowak Ex

I will send you a blastoise for the starmie if that works for you.

Send fr now

if you happen to have another starmie ex ill trade you wigglytuff ex for it!

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I do have another spare!

Thx for making this thread, @pwavy

I’m looking for genetic apex meowth. I need 5 to fill my binder. Preferably other languages, but not necessarily. =) Limit one trade per person. :wink:


Anyone have snorlax art rare in other languages besides English?

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Of course!! And send me over anything for a Meowth. Only have English though


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User: Majomaal , Friend Id: 8450 8249 9937 4968

Missing 4 star:

4/226 Venesaur ex
41/226 Arcanine ex
146/226 Machamp ex

59/68 Pidgeot ex

Missing 3 star:

7/226 Butterfree
211/226 Snorlax

4 star I can offer:

84/226 Articuno Ex
192/226 Wigglytuff ex
32/68 Mew ex

For the 3 star provide your missing so I can check my 3 star duplicates

I have a Meowth (196/226) FRA(French one). See my latest thread for the missing ones

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French would be fun! Meowth is only a diamond rarity tho. Doesn’t game require same-rarities for trades?

@xileets I’ll take a Mythical Island Exeggcute for a Meowth if you have a spare?

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Detailed Trade List:

Note: In some cases,certain cards can be traded regardless of their rarity

In “Choose a card to Trade” I could select Meowth (196/226) FRA(French one) :grinning:

And what about Meowth(246/226) ? Needed ?

if anyone has any poliwhirls to trade me pm me and lmk, been playing since it released so have a good amount of cards if you need a specific one in return

I have a spare and would trade for Honchkrow, Drapion, Roserade or Erika (in order of preference :slightly_smiling_face:)