I have Zapdos for you. Let me know your FC and we can trade
I get one already! But thank you so much for the offer!! Really appreciate it
I am missing the following from Genetic Apex:
4 diamond
056 Blastoise Ex
195 Wigglytuff Ex
Friend code:
What do you have to trade?
Exeggutor Ex
Starmie Ex
Zapdos Ex
Marowak Ex
I will send you a blastoise for the starmie if that works for you.
Send fr now
if you happen to have another starmie ex ill trade you wigglytuff ex for it!

if you happen to have another starmie ex ill trade you wigglytuff ex for it!
I do have another spare!
Thx for making this thread, @pwavy
I’m looking for genetic apex meowth. I need 5 to fill my binder. Preferably other languages, but not necessarily. =) Limit one trade per person. 
Anyone have snorlax art rare in other languages besides English?

I’m looking for genetic apex meowth. I need 5 to fill my binder. Preferably other languages, but not necessarily. =) Limit one trade per person.
Of course!! And send me over anything for a Meowth. Only have English though
User: Majomaal , Friend Id: 8450 8249 9937 4968
Missing 4 star:
4/226 Venesaur ex
41/226 Arcanine ex
146/226 Machamp ex
59/68 Pidgeot ex
Missing 3 star:
7/226 Butterfree
211/226 Snorlax
4 star I can offer:
84/226 Articuno Ex
192/226 Wigglytuff ex
32/68 Mew ex
For the 3 star provide your missing so I can check my 3 star duplicates
I have a Meowth (196/226) FRA(French one). See my latest thread for the missing ones
French would be fun! Meowth is only a diamond rarity tho. Doesn’t game require same-rarities for trades?
@xileets I’ll take a Mythical Island Exeggcute for a Meowth if you have a spare?
Detailed Trade List:
Note: In some cases,certain cards can be traded regardless of their rarity
In “Choose a card to Trade” I could select Meowth (196/226) FRA(French one)
And what about Meowth(246/226) ? Needed ?
if anyone has any poliwhirls to trade me pm me and lmk, been playing since it released so have a good amount of cards if you need a specific one in return
I have a spare and would trade for Honchkrow, Drapion, Roserade or Erika (in order of preference )