Hello guys! I’m new here and I would like to buy a southern island Japanese complete set. Is this worth it? Are the cards rare or too common?
Please someone help me!
Thank you in advance
Personally I found it a lovely set.
The most valuable card will be for sure Mew on the sky set.
Sky and Sea sets will always be more expensive.
Are you looking for sealed or loose? If you are in the US you can put a set together cheaper and easier than abroad.
And welcome!
I currently own a complete set of Japanese Southern Islands and I should say it was worth it for the price i bought it for: $75 USD
It’s released in 1999 so the age is present. I would say the english cards are more expensive due to the grading of the cards being a lot worse than Japanese cards.
As a collector i would say its a worth it!
Thanks to Both of you! I want a sealed complete set, so I can send to psa. Do you think that’s a good idea?
And I’m from Portugal, and there’s not a single complete American set. So I will buy the Japanese
Another Portuguese!!! I sent you a message!
Bought a sealed Japanese set myself a couple of months ago (from different sellers, but I got all 6 sets of three). Not sure anymore what I paid, but I think around 80-90 USD including shipping to The Netherlands. Considering they were from multiple sellers, I think it’s a fairly reasonable price.
And as correctly pointed out by @styluspt , the one with Mew is the most expensive. All the others are about equal, give-or-take a few dollars.
They surely are a beautiful set, so I can indeed recommend them. You’ve We’ve got good taste.
Oh, and I almost forget: Welcome to the forum!
Thank you all very much for the help!
@vae has a sealed english Southern Islands set if you want that too.
Yep, I have a sealed English set that you’d be able to get PSA graded. I’m also located just across the border in Spain, so the shipping would cost me very little.
PM me if you’re interested