Pokemon cards from the beginning to now?

Hey everyone,

Just getting my feet wet with pokemon card collecting again. Back when I was into this there were only base, jungle and fossil sets. Had no clue about anything Japanese or prior. Now with the different types of pokemon and versions of cards makes it daunting to fully understand the different kinds available from what era etc. Is there a quick guide to kinda hone it all together? I tried searching on youtube for a video that might start with the Japanese set with examples with a time frame, then jump to base and so on, but to no avail. Just looking to for any recommendations. Sorry if this has been answered before.



Thanks hershey, I will try to search through YT. Mainly I would see those hype channels opening cards and have no clue what’s going on. lol SMpratte has some great ones going through base, fossil and jungle that helped me learn more about those. I’ll try to refine my search.

Thanks again,


Might be best to check out Bulbapedia’s list of sets and then YT the ones that seem interesting. You can also go to pkmncards.com to see high quality scans of most of the sets.

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Welcome to E4, Matthew!

You’ll find the regular members here to be a wealth of information about the Pokemon TCG (and beyond). Certain collectors (like @smpratte) are knowledgeable in just about every aspect of the hobby, while others have deep knowledge in specific but limited areas. For instance, I know a lot about the early era of Japanese Pokemon product, but almost nothing about foreign (English, etc.) cards.

Ask around, and have fun. We’re a friendly bunch!

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When I got back into the hobby I found Bulbapedia very useful.


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Very helpful, thanks y’all!

Bulbapedia is definitely helpful, and I found www.psypokes.com/tcg/index.php this to be a great resource as well in terms of figuring out a timeline for sets and when they were released.

The e4 discord is a great resource aswell. Since its always active you can get answers pretty quickly.

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pokellector.com if great for a quick starting glance.

I can’t help you with the Japanese but I can help with English!

Here are the original WOTC sets in order, (excluding the promo sets)

  1. Base set
  2. Jungle
  3. Fossil
  4. Base set 2
  5. Team Rocket
  6. Gym Heroes
  7. Gym challenge
    8.Neo Genesis
  8. Neo Discovery
  9. Neo Revelation
  10. Neo Destiny
  11. Legendary Collection
  12. Expedition Base Set
  13. Aquapolis
  14. Skyridge

After these sets, Nintendo took over the Printing rights and cut WOTC out.

I will leave the rest for you to discover!

Welcome to efour!