Pikachu Shadowless CD Promo vs Base Shadowless

Hi everyone,

Wanted to gauge what people might think about the difference or if there really is a difference in one of the more ‘niche’ variations of the base Pikachu.

In the Best Song CD Japanese collection there is a Yellow Cheeks Shadowless Pikachu, however the card stock used for that card is I believe the Japanese stock, however with a English backside. The color on the front side is noticeably different, more of a light yellow tint, but nevertheless has all the attributes of a normal Shadowless card.

My main question would be, since its a English card unlike the rest of the set, and is graded no differently then a normal Yellow Cheeks Shadowless Pikachu, is the current climate of collecting to continue keeping it apart of the CD Promo Set or has it transposed itself more along the Base Set line? My fear of course being someone was to look at it and call it not original, being that its different in terms of looks compared to the well known Base Set version.

Seems the sealed best promo collection set now has a new front runner in terms of overall single card value, no longer being the Charizard.



Never thought about it that way, thanks for the heads up! Really crazy.

I’d imagine CGC might distinguish between regular shadowless and CD promo (don’t know though), but I assume selling it as shadowless would lead to a higher price.

Glad I have mine still sealed so I have all options left.

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Someone actually does have one graded by CGC and they actually did designate it.

Idk, sounds like it can go either way, but the value on the sealed boxes isn’t $150 anymore, especially with that pikachu coming out nice and minty.

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Any idea how much the PSA 10s go for these days? I have one on its way to PSA. It used to sell at a nice premium compared to regular Shadowless a couple years ago.

Latest sale I believe was either $900 or $1k. It has the charizard beat by a lot.

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@smellyblueberry is it a CD promo? Wouldn’t it just be japanese base? Do you have a pic or link to the one you’re talking about? As far as I knew there was no CD pikachu. Hope I’m wrong though!!

The Pokemon Song Best Collection CD has an English shadowless Pika included that has all the same features as a regular English shadowless.
An untrained eye wouldn’t be able to distinguish them. If you know what you’re looking for, there are differences however.


Has the psa 10 shadowless pikachu really gone up that much? I swear you look away for one second and a card jumps to a record price point…

You can tell the difference however


thanks @muk for that I had no idea

I remember Rusty selling a bunch of them for $60 a pop years ago, jumped all over them, didn’t think they’d blow up that much. Its such a slight yellow difference, but if you have two of them next to each other you can tell, not saying its a premium, but definitely a variant that most would have no idea about.

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It is the same as english shadowless, although you can glow a light through the japanese version. That is the qay to distinguish the versions.

I like the CD promo version better, it just looks so clean and bright. Almost fake looking if you didn’t know about it, that and it fails the flashlight test lol.

I’ve got one at PSA being graded on an express order right now, with 12 more sealed that I picked up the other day.

As far as grading goes they’re notoriously easy to grade because of the card stock. At PSA I don’t think there is a separate designation for the CD promo version.

I love my sealed CD promo. Prices have exploded recently!!

I was actually able to snag a CGC 9 CD promo one yesterday for under $110. Was surprised they are still selling for that cheap.

Guys wouldn’t this CD Promo Pikachu be the first English card released? If you look at all the PSA labels for the Japanese cards in the CD collection, their all labeled as 1998. Base set was released 1999.

What am I missing here? Is this not the first “English” card/promo card

@jeffryyyy, Bumping threads that have a last post of over two months ago is against the rules.