Perfect fit sleeves. Proof of long-term damage?

I don’t think any sleeves cause or prevent warping.

How are binders used correctly, @zorloth ? I’m going the binder route and I’m starting to worry if I’ve done anything incorrectly.

In my case, I use Ultra Pro - Pro Binders, double sleeve with KMC and Dragon Shield (about to change to Mayday) and I only put one card per pocket. Is that correct or am I missing something?

I avoid perfect fits, i have had cards bow in them…errm no thank you Sir!

I´ve got almost all my MTG cards in perfect size KMCs, some of them over 10 years. None of them were ever damaged by the sleeve itself, the only tricky thing is to get the card in and out, that´s where damage can happen.

some are so wedged in the sleeves you have to damage to remove…that is a no no. NO! Bad KMC

It sounds like you’re doing it correctly! That’s exactly the method I use, except I use DEX Protection binders rather than Ultra Pro. But Ultra Pro binders are totally fine, too. One last thing to remember is to store your binders vertically.

Why vertically? Curious because I’ve done horizontal and would consider switching if there is a reason to.

Because storing binders horizontally means that the card surfaces are under constant downwards pressure. If stored vertically, the card surfaces are not under nearly as much pressure.

I love how optimized binders have become. When I was younger it was just, slap it in some 9 pocket pages at the back of my homework binder and call it a day.

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I have most of my raw high-end cards stored in an upside down KMC Perfect Fit inside a black Ultra Pro matte sleeve inside a toploader. Never really had any problems. I do it so dust doesn’t get in. I realize I could achieve the same effect with an upside down penny sleeve inside a toploader, but I don’t want the card sliding out at all.

Great! Thank you! :grin:

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Wait, so your telling us, that you’re the king pokemon and you don’t use binders? :sweat_smile:
On another note, in your recent video, why is metazoo #1 and pokemon #2? Perhaps change your title to KingMetaZoo? :zipper_mouth_face: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Has anyone used Gamegenic sleeves? The founder of Gamegenic was former lead designer and creative director who developed the Ultimate Guard brand and products, so i thought that was pretty interesting.
I currently use dragon shield perfect fit though was pondering the sealed perfect fit dragon shield for quite some time, has anyone tried those too?

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For my Magic decks, I tend to use a perfect fit + outer sleeve but mainly because I find this adds to the durability when playing and I find it easier to shuffle since it makes the cards a little more firm feeling.

For storage and collecting, I personally use the regular almost oversized penny sleeves because I like the ease of being able to take the card out of the penny sleeve if I have to, and it still fits in the binder slots just fine (although somewhat snug). By using the bigger penny sleeve, I’ve never had the cards fall out of the binder either.

As far as damage, the only time I’ve damaged a card with a perfect fit was because the opening to the sleeve can sometimes be quite ‘sharp’ and can damage the edges if you go in at a certain angle. You do have to be mindful as they are very tight-fitting sleeves, so it is possible to scuff the edges with them.

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I had these stored in perfect fits for the past several years in my binder sets:

The bottom line is that perfect fits don’t damage cards if you know how to properly use them!


I don’t think I’ve ever not sweated taking a card out of a perfect fit sleeve. :sweat_smile:


I’m also in the perfect fit camp. Both for collecting and playing

Just get used to it on regular cards first before you start putting more precious cards in them.

Actually this also counts for normal sleeves/putting cards in binders. Can’t count the times I cringed a bit from the way people put cards in their binders/normal sleeves…

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