Paypal Friends and Family- NOT as safe as you think.

Spider sense was right then. I did do it one time. But I got the steal of the century. I was literally freaking out. Haven’t done it since.

So how can someone use a VPN and manage to get it back and not the other way? I’m so confused and a newb I guess. Feel free to pm me if you don’t want to put it in the thread

Yeah I mean it’s literally a “how-to” on screwing people over. Don’t use FF unless it’s for FF. Problem solved. And this thread should really be deleted. Muk said it right after the OP posted. This thread is just dangerous.

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No I just meant, how can a scammer be protected, but not a legit buyer who never receives and item.

It just seems odd. Either way, I don’t do it anymore. But it is tempting sometimes

Yikes man.

People log into their paypal accounts with a fake IP from across the world and then send the payment like that.

Then they later report the transaction as ‘Unauthorized’

If you logged in from your normal IP they can tell and will close your ‘unauthorized’ request

Wow so we’re just going to keep going with the tutorial. Seriously? Mods? Anyone?

Correct its not safe. Use f/f enough and get this message:

I edited the OP, but it’s important for people to know how they’re going to get scammed so they know what to look for.

Everyone that’s inclined to scam knows about this for 15 years now.

What I have run into, and I know that several sellers are in fact legit. I just don’t want the risk. The risk is more with if the package was lost, and they didn’t insure or whatever.

Scenario. Someone who sells quite a bit every year in cards etc, tries to skate on getting reported to IRS by PayPal. They apparently don’t report the FF, so on some of the 2k+ cards, I’ve been told that’s the only way. I’m talking guys that have several thousand IG followers and the appearance of an impressive collection. So it’s tempting, especially since the cards I’m looking for, are damn hard to find. (Graded no rarity)

So sorry if I’m coming off as a dumbass. I have done it once. It worked out, haven’t used it since. But man is it tempting. It’s also mind blowing that there is a loophole like this.

You’re not a dumbass at all, and I was NOT implying that. Just don’t be tempted at the thought of saving a buck, when it could cost you a hundred times that. You don’t save a damn penny by doing things cheap. Sure, it can go okay. But in the long run you’ll either get scammed, or banned, and it’ll cost you so much more.

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Yeah I didn’t think you were implying, I really just felt the need to explain why I even was considering it. I was genuinely uneducated to it all. But you are right, that’s the approach I have taken. It’s really hard when someone has a nice shiny psa 8 NR they are willing to let go…

It was never even about saving money. With NR it’s almost impossible to find some of the cards I have pursued.

Don’t help these people cheat the IRS, if they are willing to cheat the IRS (very scary) , why wouldn’t they cheat you? (not so scary)

Yeah^ that’s a really good point.

Maybe some people prefer the money saved on taxes going to a person with a potential family and aspirations, rather than 24 cents on the dollar being spent on military spending in wars we are “not looking to get involved in”, let alone the rest.

I really dont side with either position, but I can’t imagine the IRS has ever had my best interest in mind.

Everybody should only use f/f because PayPal won’t protect you generally anyway. Then they can ban everybody and go out of business lol

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Scammers reading this thread


I only use F&F with ppl on E4 that I know or that someone else I know on E4 will vouch for. It’s called F&F for a reason.


Didn’t know about this. Unfortunate, but I guess that is how the saying goes. “Where there is a will, there is a way”

I tried to avoid receiving F&F solely because I know people who have been banned for doing goods transactions with it. At the end of the day, PayPal has no qualms freezing any account but I try to avoid issues if possible.

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F&F PayPal is definitely reversible. Not sure exactly how people do it but I think they go to their bank and dispute the transaction and say they never made that transaction. Paypal gets the dispute and reverses the transaction. This is why stuff like cryptocurrencies are probably a wise idea for high-end transactions that are being done online. Transactions with bitcoin cannot be reversed. All depends on how much risk you want to take really. Personally for me, anything very high end I would try to sell person to person with cash.