Pack opened inside blister pack?

So some months ago I bought someone’s collection and it included a few blisters. There was a Base Blister that was sealed. It could have been reglued, but I spotted nothing wrong with it. However, the pack inside was open on the bottom.
I obviously couldn’t resell it or anything, so I decided to open it. All 11 card was inside in the correct order and they were all Mint. Again, the blister appeared to be sealed and I’m assuming if someone went through all that trouble they would try resealing the pack as well.

I should have posted pictures here back then, but anyway… I’m legit curious if anyone ran into a similar issue or if it’s possible the weight of the cards could eventually open a pack over 19 years?(Like if it was stored vertically the entire time)

Depending on how it was stored, yes. I live in the desert and the sun and heat can wreck havok on plastic and card board in no time.

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Yeah I guess you’re right. It was just very surprising. By the way, the pack was open but it’s not like the cards were slipping out of it either. I’d say it was like half opened at the bottom.

Odd situation… the whole deal was an absolute steal though and it was a cash transaction, so it’s not like I was getting a refund. I was only slightly annoyed as I already had someone wanting it for $100. I just opened it and prayed for a good holo which obviously didn’t happen. I pulled a Super Energy Removal. lol

I don’t see any way a pack could open inside a blister. Certainly the blister could come undone though.