MY top 5 favourite cards - keen to hear everyone elses!


Gold Star Gyarados
Munch Psyduck
Mame Akirmaru Art Academy Space Pikachu

Having trouble narrowing down two more. I love a lot of the vending art or illustration contest cards. I’ve been trying to figure out what options there might be to collect the vending set.

The last one is night assailant (YGO)


Base set Blastoise
Trophy kangaskhan
Tropical Wind
Natta Wake Pikachu
Masaki Gengar

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This is a great thread!

Take my list with a grain of salt because my top 20 change order constantly.

  1. Skyridge Sandshrew
  2. Neo revelation Shining Magikarp
  3. Gym Challenge Giovanni’s Persian
  4. Team Rocket Dark Dugtrio
  5. Pokemon VS series Karen’s Umbreon

Honorable Mention:
McDonald’s Pokémon-e Minimum Pack Squirtle


In no particular order:

Neo genesis Lugia
Base set gyarados
Neo revelation suicune
Fossil dragonite
Jungle snorlax