My N64 Games [and some gameboy colour] for your stuff?

Hey all, I’ve put together some photographs of the nintendo 64 games I have, as well as a few gameboy colour games.
Obviously it’s a fairly niche thing for people to want, so i’m not going to make a ‘will trade for’ type list, but I am looking towards sealed product such as booster packs & theme decks, or PSA 10s. Depending on whats on offer, I can also add money if necessary.

Reuben / Muddy Buckets

best image host

Just to clarify, the games shown are - mario party, mario kart 64, super mario 64, banjo kazooie x2, banjoi tooie x2, conkers BFD x2, 007 golden eye, some other 007 game, zelda OOT, zelda MM, pokemon stadium 1&2, yoshis story, DK64, winnie the pooh game, and 2x south park games.

@cullers @gottaketchumall

Would be helpful to list where you’re from, I can only make out one code and its the Kirby game which is AUS, would be important to list what code they have as that can effect the value

Oh I see, yes I am Australian and all games bought here, besides Yoshi’s Island which was purchased in Amsterdam on rainy day…

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Dang some of these fell quite a bit since college when I was buying/selling video games a bit more. Conker’s specifically I noticed after taking a quick look. Being AUS too I think I will have to pass. Amazing games though! If they were North American and shipping wasn’t going to be so expensive I would definitely offer up some graded cards for them.

So many childhood memories. lol

I wonder how much you can get on ebay for this stuff?

On my larger eBay account I used to specifically sell video games for years. I sold off my entire collection at the end of 2015 right when it seemed around its peak. (At least that is how it looks now)
From my observations one of the major causes of the cartridge based game price decline is the rampant amount of fakes out there especially on eBay. Amazon still seems to get a premium because they are much more strict about bootlegs.
The same thing happened earlier on with the handheld pokemon games.

I am not sure of other factors, but that is one that I am positive effected prices especially for N64 games.