Middlemans for card deals

Hey guys, hope you dont mind me asking here.

Has anyone dealt with @palletown_marketplace on instagram before for a middleman? Is he reputated and known?

They are a well-known consignment service.


They bought a card from me for one of their clients, had a pretty good overall experience
(Good communication, fast payout…)

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That’s funny, he just reached out to me yesterday asking about my PSA 10 Crystal Charizard lol

Haven’t bought from him before, but I know he is not new to the pokemon space.

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I’ve advertised with them a handful of times, they are reputable in the community. I haven’t used the middleman service but I did inquire about it once. They’ve been around for a while.

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Thanks everyone. About to do a big deal through them, will report back how it goes :slight_smile:

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How did it go?
They want to buy my psa9 1st ed zard aswell.