Looking to buy raw base set cards. 1st ed, shadowless, unlim

Hey guys i’ve decided that i am going to try to complete a few binder sets for base set. Looking to complete 1st edition, shadowless and unlimited.

I’m looking for cards in near perfect condition on the front, not real concerned about the backs as they will be in a binder. Pack fresh would be preferred, hoping to find someone that has opened a box or two and has some sitting around that wont get the 10 grade.

Again, looking for near perfect fronts (centering being the biggest thing, i’m kind of OCD lul) No bends or dents, not real concerned with the backs. Let me know! Thank you.


Crazy you just posted this, I was considering putting up a similar post. I recently went through my binders and need to update some. I’ll contact you when I go through everything and see if you need any or if we can potentially trade.


Haha crazy, sounds good let me know.

imn missinf four trainers of an unlimited non holo set if your interested

Count me in too! I was thinking of doing an ultra pro binder with all three different variances across each row without using my childhood base set. :blush:

Oh that would look cool!

I’ll keep you in mind for if I decide to sell mine!

I have a binder with all the Shadowless commons-rares, pack fresh, I was thinking of selling soon! :blush:


oooo pack fresh you say :wink:

I’ve got a 1st Ed Electabuzz that’s really clean on the front with only a couple nicks on the back. You’d probably be the happiest buyer for it. i.imgur.com/m40LvHr.jpg Got an idea on price? I’m seeing $20ish on eBay.

I’ve got a near complete 1st ed base rare through common. most of the conditions I recall are nm mint likely mostly psa 9 worthy and some 8s. since I have a complete 10 set of non holos… they’re useless to me now. message if interested. note that they won’t go too cheaply lol

Still looking for a lot of cards from most of the sets.

We briefly exchanged PMs, are you still interested in mine?

Iv got a lot of base set unlimited pack fresh cards if you were interested? Send me a pm

Haven’t purchased any shadowless yet, still need a lot of 1st ed and a few unlimited.

Post general pricing.

I may be ready to sell my Common-Rare pack fresh set if the price is right lol…

Decisions, decisions…

Are they 1st edition or just Shadowless swole ? :blush:


Shit sounds gross. I know a website where they have unlimited base rares, uncommons and commons for ¢’s UNGRADED.