Looking for US middle man

Hi guys :blush:

I need a middle man from the US. There is a card I would like to buy from eBay but the seller uses GSP so the shipping cost would be $24 for me for a single card. I asked from the seller if he could provide other shipping method to Finland but he said he doesn’t.

This is the card I’m looking for: www.ebay.com/itm/Salamence-59-Holo-Topps-Advanced-Challenge-Pokemon-Card-NM-/252615634338?hash=item3ad110ada2:g:RkMAAOSwFdtXyL1K

The listing ends in less than 2 hours but I assume it will be relisted if it ends.

If someone kindly would be my middle man that would be nice! I’ll pay for everything of course :blush:

Hey I have multiples of this card and could do a better deal than that. PM me. May even have a holo of it if interested I can check tonight.


Awesome :blush: PM sent!