Looking for Chinese and Portuguese Haunter/Gastly base 1st

As the title says, I’m looking for the following cards:
-Haunter Base set, Chinese, First edition (willing to pay $5-10 depending on the condition)-Haunter Base set, Portuguse, First edition ($5 at most)-Gastly Base set, Portuguese, First edition ($5 at most)

I’m looking to complete my binder, so not looking for graded cards. Preferably from the same seller, although I know it’s a bit hard.
I’ll be checking replies!

Pack fresh all.
Paypal garyis2000@aol.com friends/family 20.00 USA delivered
Pm me your mailing address


@garyis2000, PMd you!

@ AOL, lol!

I’ve had them for 20 years and I wouldn’t want to risk losing all my daily spam mail lol. Actually, I’ve been selling tcg since 1998 and all those customers can reach me regularly…especially when they’re selling me back their collections;)