Hello everyone,
This is a guide on what cards used to be accepted by PSA under one label but have since switched to another label. If you’re interested in cards that are no longer accepted by PSA at all, you can read about those here.
This guide is pretty short because PSA generally does a good amount of research before accepting cards, but sometimes errors slip through and PSA ends up needing to change the label. Let me know if there are any cards I missed!
Happy collecting
(OLD LABEL) Mewtwo Special Sheet #150 - 1997 Pokemon Japanese Promo
Population: Unknown - seems to be removed from the website.
Note: This card can’t be differentiated from the CD Promo so it is no longer recognized. You can read more about this here.
(NEW LABEL) Mewtwo-Glossy CD Promo #150 - 1998-99 Pokemon Japanese CD Promo
(OLD LABEL) Mew Special Sheet #151 - 1997 Pokemon Japanese Promo
Population: Unknown - seems to be removed from the website.
Note: This card can’t be differentiated from the CD Promo so it is no longer recognized. You can read more about this here
(NEW LABEL) Mew-Glossy CD Promo #151 - 1998-99 Pokemon Japanese CD Promo
(OLD LABEL) Alakazam-Holo Masaki Promo #65 - 1998 P.M. JAPANESE
(OLD LABEL) Alakazam-Holo Masaki Promo #65 - 1998 P.M. JAPANESE VENDING
(NEW LABEL) Alakazam-Holo Masaki Promo #65 - 1999 P.M. JPN. VENDING
(OLD LABEL) Machamp-Holo Masaki Promo #68 - 1998 P.M. JAPANESE VENDING
(OLD LABEL) Machamp-Holo Masaki Promo #68 - 1998 P.M. JAPANESE PROMO
(NEW LABEL) Machamp-Holo Masaki Promo #68 - 1999 P.M. JPN. VENDING
(OLD LABEL) Golem-Holo Masaki Promo #76 - 1998 P.M. JAPANESE VENDING
(OLD LABEL) Golem-Holo Masaki Promo #76 - 1998 P.M. JAPANESE PROMO
(NEW LABEL) Golem-Holo Masaki Promo #76 - 1999 P.M. JPN. VENDING
(OLD LABEL) Gengar-Holo Masaki Promo #94 - 1998 P.M. JAPANESE VENDING
(OLD LABEL) Gengar-Holo Masaki Promo #94 - 1998 P.M. JAPANESE PROMO
(NEW LABEL) Gengar-Holo Masaki Promo #94 - 1999 P.M. JPN. VENDING
(OLD LABEL) Omastar-Holo Masaki Promo #139 - 1998 P.M. JAPANESE VENDING
(OLD LABEL) Omastar-Holo Masaki Promo #139 - 1998 P.M. JAPANESE PROMO
(NEW LABEL) Omastar-Holo Masaki Promo #139 - 1999 P.M. JPN. VENDING
(OLD LABEL) Pikachu 1st Edition-Black Star #1 - 1999 Pokemon Jungle Promo
Population: 42
(NEW LABEL) Pikachu 1st Edition #1 - 1999 Pokemon League Promo
(OLD LABEL) Marill Neo Genisis #29 - 2001 Pokemon Game Promo
Population: 16
Note: “Neo Genisis” should be spelled “Neo Genesis”, but this card isn’t even from Neo Genesis. The year is incorrect as well. Notice how there were two versions of this old label, both of which are incorrect. As of 12/02/2020 PSA has removed this card from the population report when I reported that it had an incorrect label.
(NEW LABEL) Marill Pokemon League #29 - 2000 Pokemon Promo Black Star
(OLD LABEL) Picku - Holofoil Pokemon 3 Movie Promo #172 - 2001 Pokemon Game Movie
Population: 1
Note: “Pichu” was misspelled “Picku” and it was also assigned to the wrong set.
No picture
(NEW LABEL) Pichu-Holo #172 - 1999 Pokemon Japanese Neo
(OLD LABEL) Charizard-Holofoil Pokemon 3 Movie Promo #6 - 2001 Pokemon Game Movie
Population: 1
Note: Charizard was assigned to the wrong promo set which occurred two years prior.
No picture
(NEW LABEL) Charizard-Holo CD Promo #6 - 1998-99 Pokemon Japanese CD Promo
(OLD LABEL) Rapidash No Pokemon Center NY #51 - 2002 Pokemon League Promo Black Star
Population: 2
No picture
(NEW LABEL) Rapidash Black Star-No Pokemon Center NY #51 - 2002 Pokemon Game Promo
(OLD LABEL) Rapidash #51 - 2002 Pokemon League Promo Black Star
Population: 24
(NEW LABEL) Rapidash Black Star #51 - 2002 Pokemon Game Promo
(OLD LABEL) Mewtwo Black Star Promo #14 - 1999 Pokemon Game Movie
Population: 39
(NEW LABEL) Mewtwo #14 - 2000 Pokemon Promo Black Star
(OLD LABEL) Dark Persian-Holo #17 - 2000 Pokemon Promo Black Star
Population: 4
Note: The label changed to specifically mention that it came from Nintendo Magazine.
No picture
(NEW LABEL) Dark Persian-Holo Nintendo Magazine-60 HP #17 - 2000 Pokemon Game Promo
(OLD LABEL) Meowth Game Boy #10 - 2000 Pokemon Promo Black Star
Population: 2
Note: This card was included in the English set but is actually from a Japanese promo.
No picture
(NEW LABEL) Meowth Pokemon Stamp Rally #10 - 2000 Pokemon Japanese Promo
(OLD LABEL) Mudkip-Holo European Pop Tournament #005 - 2004 Pokemon Black Star Promo
Population: 21
Note: The label says 2004 when the card says 2003
(NEW LABEL) Mudkip-Holo Pop #005 - 2003 Pokemon Black Star Promo
(OLD LABEL) Torchic-Holo European Pop Tournament #006 - 2004 Pokemon Black Star Promo
Population: 24
Note: The label says 2004 when the card says 2003
(NEW LABEL) Torchic-Holo Pop #006 - 2003 Pokemon Black Star Promo
(OLD LABEL) Treecko-Holo European Pop Tournament #007 - 2004 Pokemon Black Star Promo
Population: 51
Note: The label says 2004 when the card says 2003
(NEW LABEL) Treecko-Holo Pop #007 - 2003 Pokemon Black Star Promo