List of all TCG cards that exist for a specific Pokémon

Two more lists:

  • Snorlax (231 unique cards, and it also includes 32 non-Snorlax cards featuring Snorlax in their artwork)
  • Mewtwo (417 unique cards, of which 119 are from the BREAKthrough set alone… wtf :dizzy_face: )

Will make a Haunter list soon for another collector. And will see if I have some time for those Mareep, Flaaffy, and Blastoise lists I ‘promised’ way back… Sorry about that @supersaiyanampharos and @blasturtle . Will do them in the ‘semi-near’ future.

PS: @geg89 I see you’ve asked for Umbreon and Typhlosion in the past. The Typhlosion list can be found in my post above. Will put Umbreon on the backlog as well.

PSS: Not sure when I have time to finish these four lists (Mareep, Flaaffy, Blastoise, Umbreon), so don’t expect them in the very near future. But I won’t forget them this time, promised…
