Japanese Promo Boxes

Hi all, first time posting to the forum!

I am looking to start a Japanese promo box collection.

I am soon to receive my SwSH precious collector’s box which I am over the moon about! So excited to get it.

I have had my eyes on the Eevee Heroes collection box as well as the Kanazawa Pikachu Box.

My question is, what resources would be best to follow and find previous Japanese Promotional Boxes to slowly add to my collection?


Here are some of the obvious ones.

eBay, Buyee, Mercari, Yahoo jp. I use most of these to find anything I want with relative ease. Of course using a proxy means you can’t really bargain for anything so I would also recommend going to any card show you can. Usually there are people selling boxes similar to the prices you find online and you can trade and bargain for some stuff.

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The official website apparently!

For some reasons build to order items including PCB, Golden Box, Master Battle Set and Team Rocket Case weren’t in the list, but they should cover most of the merchandise you’re looking for. Be warned though that this goal is going to be really hard to achieve as some of the boxes will go for thousands so plan well!

Bulbapedia also has a complete merchandise section which ideally should feature all of the special boxes released. Maybe this can help you look at the older releases.

The notable ones for this year besides the ones you have is also the Stamp Box. Good luck with your collection hunt.


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