Japanese over English?

Honestly, mainly Japanese ebay sellers. I also use:

PokeVault: pokevault.com/PokemonCardPromo to browse but they are generally higher priced,

Amazon Japan: www.amazon.co.jp/b/ref=pokemon?node=2430277051
NintendoSoup: nintendosoup.com/category/pokemon/ (I use this for new and upcoming cards and other news)
Proxy Service for Japan: zenmarket.jp/en/
TrollandToad (Japanese section): www.trollandtoad.com/pokemon-japanese-promos/10184?Keywords=&min-price=&max-price=&items-pp=60&item-condition=&selected-cat=10184&sort-order=H-L&page-no=4&view=list&subproduct=0&Rarity=&CardType=&minHitPoints=&maxHitPoints=

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thank you, that helps me a lot!

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I prefer Japanese cards, I just started collecting them and I feel like I’m discovering a part of pokemon history.
All the promos (club, movie, ANA, TV…), the cards from vending sheets… This is so exciting to collect them. Plus their design make a lot more sense.

And, as it has already been said, the non-exclusive cards are usually more affordable than english ones (especially if you use proxy services), and their holo pattern looks better.

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With binder sets I make, I usually go with English, but most of the cards I keep displayed by themselves are Japanese! Something about the holo really pops from across the room compared to English for me(and more affordable!)

Depends on the set and the card, most of the time I prefer japanese. A few exceptions are full arts and hyper rares, I think the textures on the english version are a little nicer. I also liked detective pikachu more because the japanese version has reverse holos and the english had regular holos which I like more.

But for the most part I like japanese.

Japanese because they’re OG. Vintage English seems to be king but maybe this will change in the future.

I like both but I recently completed base set in Japanese and I love it

I am a huge fan of Japanese cards! the better card quality/general condition , better holographic, region exclusives etc.
Even as a kid i was fascinated by them, i would buy cards off my Japanese friend and still admire them till this day :blush:

I like Japanese in theory and really appreciate their art from a distance but I still just don’t have the same connection to the card versus English ones

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japanese neo’s & gold stars > english neo’s & gold stars for sure

Also maybe its just me, but nostalgia has never felt like an issue - ART IS ART plus you’re getting the ORIGINAL FRICKING ITERATION of the card. Obviously having a really close connection to a few English cards you grew up with is different, but most of us didn’t have every card we collect now as a kid lol.

I prefer English if it is not Japanese exclusive.

I will say I love when people claim “art is art” but have no interest in other cheaper language versions of their preferred cards besides Japanese or English (German, Spanish, etc)

Another perspective is that Japanese is the first printing and any other languages are reprints. English included.

How far behind is the Japanese market (if at all).