Japanese old school ex

hey guys, the english ex prices seem to be rising in these few months, wonder if the JP ex 10s will rise as well, especially the exclusive ex like fan club mew, any thoughts? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Vintage ex:


*Note: It’s β€œex”, both letters are small caps. Do not confuse with vintage β€œEX”.

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english exes are significantly more difficult to grade on average than japanese exes. I’m not sure the two markets will behave in unison


lol another thread dug up from the grave


what is the difference between vintage EX and modern EX?

I believe someone posted a poll asking this very thing a minute ago :thinking:

Do open threads have expiry date?

No, just funny. Especially since this person asked during the early part of the pandemic boom haha. A lot has happened since :joy:

ib4 lock

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ENG ex is about 3 times more expensive than JPN ex.

For example, if a ENG ex card is $1,200, its JPN version is around $400+. Assuming it’s the same pokemon card and same condition/grade.