Japanese cards question

I bought a Japanese card recently, 1st one. I think the artwork and the cards look great. This particular card is not worth much, just bought because I really liked the way it looked. So I looked up the PSA pop and it’s 27.
Question is…
What is a good population for Japanese cards
…say 2003 and prior? From reading I realize their may be more left out there to grade than English cards.
So is 100 a high pop in Japanese where in American it wouldn’t be considered super high?

A “high” or “low” pop is judged on a case by case basis. It’s relative and so what is considered high or low is different for each individual card or set.


That makes total sense
I would guess a card with a super high demand 300 pop would not be so high were a lower in demand card 150 may be high.

Japanese Birthday Pikachu, pop 589 (711 PSA 9s) ~$200
002P Rocket’s Scizor, pop 46 (13 PSA 9s) ~$20


you can have a pop 1 worth 5 usd and no one will care, depends on the card really, as stated before, case by case

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Thanks for the example.
Seems like Pikachu, Eevee and Charizard are popular in every language.
Luckily the kid loves Psyduck so I can afford more of them


Great advice.
So look up the PSA 8 and add that total with the “higher” total and you will find the ratio. Don’t know why I did not think to look up total pop on PSA and ratios to help determine card value/rarity/demand.