Japan sellers with the same photos of cards

What’s the deal with multiple Japanese sellers having the same slab and pictures up on EBay? There are slabs I wanna buy but am deterred because there are like 3 listings up with the same cert.

These are probably dropshippers, who take the pictures directly from Mercari Japan. So once you buy the slab, they purchase it from the actual Japanese seller and ship it to you. They make a margin, you get the item. Highly advise to look for the actual source.


As said @expedition, it’s dropshipping !
Btw there’s already a post about it if you want to have a look.


This was discussed very recently. I think it covers your concerns.

Edit: @mika beat me to the link :slight_smile:



Thank y’all

I agree although I would like to add, buying a card from ebay through a drop shipper gets you the benefit of ebay support which is far better (as a buyer) than mercari so if the card you recieve is fake or in far worse condition than described, it’ll be much easier to return it than if you bought through mercari or buyee or similar websites.

I decided to get my 2005 championship arena through a dropshipper rather than directly from mercari basically as insurance as I was not willing to risk any issues for my most expensive card purchased thus far.