Is the Sky-Splitting Deoxys Lenticular Deoxys factory condition bad?

Hey Guys

I am thinking about getting some sealed Deoxys half decks to grade myself a Lenticular Deoxys 10.
Does the card come with edge whitening by default? Has anyone seen some sealed being opened? Or pack fresh cards?

Because If I look at some 9s they are really beat up for a 9.

Every copy I have ever held of this card has been terrible, my own copy would be max a 6 with the edgewear as well


Most of the time it looks worse than it is in my experience, this is because the top layer is slightly bigger than the bottom layer, so it looks like the card has a lot whitening while in reality it might not be as severe.

I dont know if this is the way when it comes out of the deck, but since it is the card that is displayed in the deck I would imagine so since it is pinched in the plastic. Overall it is also just a fragile card. Good luck in deciding!


my psa 9 corners/edges look like a 7-8, thats just how psa grades these & how these cards are built

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Adding my psa 9 back for good measure. I agree they come out of the factory very poorly. Probably something to do with how the lenticular layer is glue to the cardboard backing

yes, oh my god. i wish you the best of luck if you decide to do that. i’m probably directly responsible for like destroying the population of sealed VS packs to get this. zero chance i would try to replicate that in today’s market. imo, the single most bitch of a card to grade, but i’m definitely biased.


Haha good to know… or not god to know I guess.

What was the average condition when you opened the decks?
And why do you think the condition was so bad?

i of course was being hyperbolic, but i opened maybe 30 packs, 15 had a fair amount of whitening straight from the pack, and i sent the other 15 or so to get graded and only hit 1 PSA 10. i think 2 PSA 9’s and the rest were between 6 and 8. maybe i just got super unlucky, but the pop report kinda agrees.

as others have said, if i had to guess, the condition is most likely a result from the unique printing/ layering process. it’s also pretty thick, so more surface area to get damaged.


Opened up a few myself. Condition always seems to be pretty poor. You would have to get extremely lucky to get a PSA 10 quality card. The average I’ve received was an 8. There is usually a lot of whitening which is probably due to how it was pressed onto the back of the lenticular. The lenticular is sealed inside a sleeve inside the deck so you can just assume its from the production rather than handling. On another note the other cards don’t have much value since there is no holos in the deck like the other half decks (Centering for half decks is hit or miss). In other words if you are aiming for a 10 I would advise to just buy the card already in a 10 or find a really strong 9 and try to resubmit for a 10, but that’s just what I think.

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Yes, the card is extra thick, so the cuts were pretty rough. I was thrilled to pull a 9 on one of my factory sets. Don’t expect to pull a 10 from new, you have to just get very lucky. I have a love/ hate with this unique card for its conditional rarity chase. I personally think the market seriously undervalues this card in the highest grades.


Saw this on eBay and thought of this thread, if anyone is interested.


The difficulty is why I settled with my 9… I have the back whitening at the bottom left corner. Very common with these :frowning: