I'm so glad this community exists.

I’ve just recently started collecting Pokemon, MTG, and some Yu-Gi-Oh cards here in the last couple of years. I collected as a kid, but sadly all of those cards have gone somewhere. Probably got dumped at yard sale or thrown away to be honest. Anyway, in the small amount of time I’ve been collecting it’s been really nice to have somewhere to talk about collecting, as well as learning all of these new things from knowledgeable collectors world-wide. I’ve had a really warm welcome here, and just wanted to say thanks, and that I hope everyone is doing alright out there. It’s hard times, but it’s always nice to have a place to kick back and sort of forget about the chaos going on in the world.


We’re glad you’re here!

You have joined during a interesting time, indeed! But I think you’ll see that E4 is made up of some of the most serious and enthusiastic collectors there are. I’m confident that most, if not all of us will see our way through this pandemic and continue being the avid collectors and discussers of all things Pokémon that we have always been.


@gollox, I can relate to you with losing cards as a kid, which is quite the long tale to tell but next month ill have a story up about it all for the story time thread being held by Pokemon Classics (ill attach the thread after i write this lol) if youd like to hear more about my tale in this hobby. But, were here now and this community is fantastic as you mentioned and im glad youre now a part of it all.

Stay positive and keep active! :blush:



heres the thread with the stories. Be sure to check out mine and everyone elses as im sure this will be a great oppertunity for some great uplifting content (i know mine will be :blush: )


Welcome man, I’m the biggest troll on this forum–you’ll learn to hate me soon enough :blush:


Aloha and welcome to E4, thanks for the thread. Be safe and take care!

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I too got started after loosing my childhood collection. Back in 2011 I started going hard! Wanted to build back what I lost and then beyond!


I actually envy the people that managed to hold onto their first cards they ever collected. I know I never had anything really expensive, or rare, but it would’ve been nice to look at the cards that first got me into Pokemon. Oh well. I really enjoy my yard sale and thrift store buys more than anything. It’s so fun coming across other peoples collections they no longer wanted.


Just don’t venture onto the discord and you’ll keep thinking that lol

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Oops… Too late, hahaha. I haven’t been active much though.

@gollox , @redsky , yeah discord is a whole other kind of monster haha. But, at the end of the day, a good one as well :blush: