HUGE Base Set First Edition Purchase

As they say, you gotta spend money to make money and this was the biggest I have made to date and it paid off immediately! I communicated with the seller and discovered he lived only 40 minutes away, which worked out perfectly! The cards were all one could hope and a great deal to boot! Check out my video an! tune back for more WOTC content every couple of weeks. More big purchases on the horizon! :wink:
Enjoy the WOTC popcorn content! I love making it!


Great purchase! Really enjoyed the video, thanks for sharing!


Great purchase :grin:

Wow great deal you got there. Very nice collection!

Great buy. I’m after a lot of those cards for my own personal collection haha!

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Thanks guys! Really pushing hard to make smart purchases that both add to my collection and give me some profit. Would you believe that this method has allowed me to not use any money from my actual bank account in the past 3 years? I only use money from sales now to make any and all purchases and paypal credit if the purchase is extra large and I need time to recoup funds.


Congrats! I love the feeling of getting to build your collection through good finds and slowly churning through cards to spend as little of your “you” money as possible, and more of your “Pokémon fund”! I did the same to complete my 1st Edition Base Set and it took around 2 years total. :blush: Good luck with upgrading the cards. I hope you get to upgrade the Charizard to an 8 or beyond soon.

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Stay tuned and you shall see what kind of upgrades we can make :wink:

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