If you had to start collecting all over again how would you do things differently?
I’d like to have researched better, back when I started I started buying overpriced cards/sets on eBay instead of hunting down better prices in other sites and Y!J.
Proper organization from the get go instead of letting things pile on, saves so much time in the long run. I still have a huge box of cards I need to sort which is a pain to do cause it’s a mix of sets ranging from base to newer XY sets.
Other than starting earlier I would probably buy more singles over boxes. I have a bad habit of trying to pull all the cards in a set myself.
So much this! I buy a lot of old collections and lots of cards. Thankfully I got them all organized now. Have dedicated card storage boxes for each set. As I get a collection in I separate all cards, sleeve the holos, check what I need in my collection then put the leftovers in their set box. Only real trouble is when sets spill over into multiple boxes. I have waaaaay too many early WotC cards.
I’d save the thousands I spent on useless BW era booster boxes to open, and invest that money into cards I actually cared about.
i don’t regret anything… everything has been a good learning experience for me.
selling multiple 1st edition base sets for $400-600 AUD? complete
selling / buying 1st edition neo destiny boxes under $400
Giving away free pre-release jungle clefables when i sold jungle sets…
yes… i did all this… i feel like i am so old now… as it was ages ago.
i guess, i would want to just go back in time… and give myself more money to buy multiple items. The knowledge is easily accessible… but having funds for anything when you are in university… was mere impossible.
i love every step up until now.
mostly been a learning experience so i wontput that just when i first started collecting decide what i wanted to collect instead of wasting ÂŁ100s of pounds on usesless stuff that i later sold and wasted time and money on as i didnt really want to collect that sort of thing