How/why did you find elitefourum?

Cool to see so many members above mention my name or are here because of me, after seeing my comments on reddit or some of the articles I wrote. :smiley:

FWIW, it happens pretty frequently someone comes across a 4+ year old reddit post of mine with old (now broken) proboards links and I give them the same thread link for the new forum. :slight_smile:

As for how I came across this forum, Iā€™ve actually told it quite a few times over the years, so Iā€™m just gonna quote myself:
(TL;DR: I came across @justinatorā€™s website and Efour collection thread. :slight_smile: )

Itā€™s kinda funny reading back in Justinā€™s collection thread and seeing what a noob I was back then. :sweat_smile:


Hahaha. 1800 Pikachu cards later. :rofl: And these days Iā€™m happy if a Pikachu is worth only 25 USD on releaseā€¦ :wink:
