How to lose $26,000 on Pokemon

Don’t do whatnot giveaways and buy followers for clout.


You know, maybe my financial situation isn’t as bad as I thought it was.


That guy is surprisingly contrite, good for him. I hope they can turn it around. $20k (after selling the cards) isn’t a terrible hole to dig yourself out of. The broken trust with his wife will probably be harder to get through.


That avatar triggers my PTSD


My collecting goals though. Buy high, sell low.


I’m impressed at how the hosts were able to avoid traps like “pokemon bad”, identify the real issue and give Kyle relevant advice


I usually detest, detest what Ramsey solutions has become imo. As talking heads they are often minimally misinformed, maximally dangerously incorrect and overly willing to speak on topics they don’t actually know anything about. Coupled with Dave having gone further and further down the right wing rabbit hole in recent years, it’s tough to listen to them.

Then there’s this episode. There’s empathy, there’s looking for the root of the problem instead of getting distracted by “it’s Pokémon” and “it’s social media”, there’s encouragement instead of belittlement. This call is super sad. I hope he gets his life back together soon.


Surprised to see this quickly posted here, just watched the short of this and was in awe but the whole story really shows the challenges of gambling, and spending that are subliminal in this hobby if you push to far to make it a business only based on emotion


Agreed, as well as the challenge of managing your sense of self when everyone around you seems to be excelling on IG and you feel left behind


This call is a typical response. There isn’t any dangerous information or advice coming from the show. Not regularly anyway.

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There is never anyway that anyone cares about you when you make a giveaway. They get the free stuff, and they never come back.


you are so unbelievably honest that its awkward all the time around your house

was kind of funny to me. Trust like that is indeed hard fought, and is only won back with consistency over time. Prayers for Kyle :worried:

This could have been anything though, it just happened to involve pokeymanz cardzorz. And think about how many other Kyles are out there right now making the same choices as we speak. We just heard about one on a radio call in show. Most people don’t reveal things this publicly, they just quietly bow out and either try to fix their lives, or their lives collapse.

I hope nobody here is in this situation. Best of luck to you all. At the end of the day, its mashed up trees, colors, plastic and aluminum shaped into thin rectangles.


You mean it’s about money.

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No? I mean to say, pokemon cards just these little fun things we like to collect and play games with. But its just that at the end of the day. Not to let it be something that is a vehicle to messing up other parts of your life.

Not to derail this thread from it’s intent, but as @filthynwah mentioned if you actually listen to their show regularly this is a completely typical response. You do realize they hand out tons of free resources to help people in crippling debt and literally invite people all the time to their HQ for their “debt free scream” to celebrate their climb out of the hole, right?

Detest all you want, but the picture you are painting is the one you want to see, not the reality. In any case, I’m glad this person is getting help they need. Clearly this is more than a financial issue and I’m glad it is being addressed.


I hate to say it, but $26,000 in debt in 2025 is quite small. If y’all want to see truly horrendous situations, read r/wallstreetbets loss posts. There are some folks who leveraged their homes, threw their retirement account into a single penny stock, and have lost six or seven figures in equity.

I know that Kyle will push through this and will pay down this debit effectively. Rehabilitating his relationship with his wife/family and his relationship with himself is going to be much more difficult.


I wonder how long it’ll be until Pokémon cards are forced to have some gambling warning on the booster packs?!


I was just thinking that. Sounds bad but 20 grand is a fraction of what a lot of people have.


How many Jungle pikas did you have to invest in in 2021 to be in the same situation?

The average facebook group user

Edit - I watched the video. Feel bad for this guy. Sounds like he got caught up in addiction around cards which is a very real thing.

He wanted to start a business too with it but went down the wrong path.

I take back what I said. Hopefully he learns from it and grows!