how often the CGC Pop report is being updated?

is there info arround already?

At least once a day. I remember yesterday was 06 instead of 07


Thanks a lot ! Thats suprisingly often =)

Today there are 1.354.752 Pokemon cards graded, almost 3000 Pokemon cards graded in one day.
PSA Yesterday graded about 8000 TCG cards, let’s say 85% cards are Pokemon. 6800 cards are Pokemon cards.
This means that CGC grades half the amount of Pokemon PSA cards. This is impressive.


They’ve gained an impressive market share in a short period of time.

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Love that, super cool. CGC graded more Pokemon cards in 18 months than PSA did in their first 20 years as well. What a different world since 2020

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This is very interesting information. Actually, this is not far from the sales volume ratio. CGC slabs contributes to around 19%-23% of total cards sold. This is very impressive and a very strong competitor.

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Crazy, huh? A lot has changed since then.

I think it’s crazy that Evolutions and Hidden Fates both each have more cards graded in total now than the 40 sets prior to Evolutions combined. Those 2 sets have also outdone Jungle, Fossil and Rocket individually - all of which were around for the initial and subsequent booms and still get opened regularly. Truly shocking that so much was printed of those modern sets.

Someone asked me to provide a version with the totals labeled, so here they are along with a marker of the 40 prior sets to Evolutions. I wonder if these low pop sets will see major increases once the cost of grading normalises as things settle and cost effective margins are again able to be obtained.

Very strong numbers all around.
Makes sense though seeing as their services were accessible, they had competitive pricing, and leveraged their existing reputation to carve out a decent market share. It’s very healthy for the overall market.


Do you guys know how often BGS updates the pop report? WHen I checked out their pop report, the overall numbers seem pretty low compared to PSA and CGC. In addition, there is only 1 pristine Charizard Base set listed. But I’ve seen in a video on youtube that the Charizard King said that there are now 3 pristine Charizards.

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Are you talking about the 1st edition one or the unlimited? There are 3 1st edition BGS 10 and 1 unlimited BGS 10.
The owner of 1st edition ones should be Gary and Logan Paul. The Logan Paul one was the PSA 10 that he purchased from Gary, what a twist of fate huh?
BGS pop report is one of the worst that I ever seen. As their website design. Any new company could do better than them. There is a huge delay in their pop report. If you want keep updated I suggest you to follow “gemrate” on Instagram, every day he makes a summary of the amount of graded cards by PSA,BGS,CSG and CGC soon.

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They are low. As with the previous charts I shared in this thread, the data in these charts represent primarily the main sets in english as stated.

CGC has graded the equivalent of 36% of PSA’s total within this data (for the same given sets).

BGS has graded the equivalent of 3.1% of PSA’s total within this data (for the same given sets).
BGS has graded the equivalent of 8.7% of CGC’s total within this data (for the same given sets).

As for how often they update, I have no idea. Their pop is so small it’s not something I use often.


psa not being fully open probably helps them out a lot

What do you mean with that? They don’t report the correct numbers?

I was taking about the market share convo. once psa is fully open it will be better to know how much market share cgc is getting

I want to guess.

Currentely the quantity of Pokemon cards graded by CGC is half of those graded by PSA.

When PSA will reopen with almost the same price and same turnaround times CGC will grade less than 10% of PSA.

CGC is it already in decline.
In USA there is 261 working days in a Year. In July 2022 will be 2 Years since officially launch. I don’t think at the begin they already grade 3000 cards per day. But let’s just say the grade 3000 cards per day since day 1. 261 days split in 12 months is it 21.75 working days per months. Now we are in April so there are still 3 months left to complete two years cicle.
21.75*21(months since launch)=456.75 working days
456.75*3000 (cards graded daily) . 1.370.250 Pokemon card graded. Today we have 1.356.189 Pokemon card graded .
The number is already below my calc. So Cgc is it already in decline. Soon will see the subgrades fee will back to 5$ or even 2$ and the grading fee to 12$ as csg or even below 10$.

I like your calculations but most of your numbers are apples to oranges though, and it’s very hard to speculate on these things. PSA is still grading cards from August 2020 in some cases. There was a massive influx of cards sent from Logan time in October until they closed in March. Any and all comparisons will be more accurate once the backlog is completed.

It is also very unlikely that the turnaround times will match anytime soon. At the $50 tier PSA can promise 90 days. At the similar CGC tier, they are under one week.

I do hope when PSA opens a $30 tier next year or whenever it is that they can keep the 90 day TAT for that tier but who knows. TCG is only 20-25% of the total cards graded at PSA, and that number could be temporarily elevated given where we are in the backlog.