I’ve had this base set water energy error card in my possession for quite sometime now and I have tried relentlessly to find another like it to no avail so thankfully I found this awesome web page and I have high hopes I will find the help I’ve been looking for.
First off the first “E” in energy has a small red dot located right in the center and the card has a slight red/pinkish hue across the top border under the word energy
Next is a small ring that resembles a cheerio printed on the surface and I have no clue what could have caused that during production and lastly the water symbol in the top left corner and the word “energy” and misaligned with it being shifted more to the top edge of the yellow border where as most of the ones I’ve referenced to is more centered I will try to add links to photos of my card with high hopes someone can help me understand what I’ve got and if anyone has ever seen another one like it
You have a water energy with an ink dot.
Thas a booger
I recommend this site www.misprintedmtg.com/beginners-guide-to-misprints , specifically the “Printer Hickey” section should answer your question
Hi its a well known error. The energy word and symbol are misaligned its pretty common. The red dot is also common you get all sorts of printing dots. Some discolouration is less common but happens. As for the yellow lump lol it looks horrid but is likely just a printer hickey again common but these come in various shapes and sizes. Its worth a bit more than a regular card.
Thank you guys I’ve never heard of a printer hickey before lol I really appreciate your guys time and teaching me something new and thank you for the link. I just purchased a complete base set and when I noticed the energy card I was like wtf that’s kinda cool but I had never saw anything like that before but again I really appreciate the insight and time you took to lead me in the right direction
OK everything I’ve seen regarding a printer hickey is very similar to what I have the only noticeable difference is the ring on my card is casting a shadow whereas everything I’ve saw regarding the “hickey” does not and the majority of the ones ive saw are red idk its very strange and interesting to me to say the least