Help! What episode is this?

So I bought this on YahooJapan! a little while back. It looks like a draft for an episode. But I can’t seem to figure out what episode.
pokemon featured: pikachu, chimecho, combusken, grumpig, beautifly, pidgey/swealow evoline, wobbuffet, skitty, bulbasaur

more pictures on the way

picture one, front, combusken and chimecho

Picture two, they arrive at some town, there is a food market, brock tastes something and it is very hot. Pikachu thinks so too. Yet Ash seems to want to try for himself.

Team rocket lookingor troublegrumpi making its appearace

Some old guy doing a target trick with his swealow evo line.

I bet this part didn’t make it to the final cut.

Somekind of big battle with Combusken.

Maybe this?
At least the Vladmir guy looks like the old man

Going to download that one to see if it matches. Thanks a bunch!

Don’t do it, I was probaly wrong, it is AG ep.90
Vladmir is in that episode too, besides, it says 90 on your cover (Chimecho and Cumbusceon drawing)

Downloaded the episode, and it must be the one before indeed. One of the last drawingsis combuskens fire attack and may being scared.

Omg, this is awesome. I’ll try to find some similar shots. Anime next to draft.

Do you think you will get more of these? It would be interesting if you got drafts for, for example The two Team Rocket VS Team Plasma episodes :blush:

(Assuming they got as far as making drafts for them)

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I also have number 96 whcih seems to be ep370 training wrecks, but they are to expensive to get more

The one at the top with chimecho says Pocket Monsters - Advance Generation on it…

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Does anyone have any info on this item?

It seems to be a copy, but was it given out to co-writers or copied to sell on by someone?

The settei?

Usually they are just copies of the original sketches and etc. Mostly for the animators to have an idea what is going on and such because you can’t expect 1 original to pass through the hands of many people.

Shit that’s cool, they match perfectly.

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I know right, its killer

Are they worth anything? And how is it better than printing it from the computer? The paper is pretty thin and smooth, other than our printing paper for sure.

It depends on the collector and what characters and Pokémon are in it. I would say the most… 50

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