Hi everyone
Please could you advise me on what a fair price is for a complete Japanese 1996 Base/Basic Holo Set in PSA 10?
Thank you for your time!
Hi everyone
Please could you advise me on what a fair price is for a complete Japanese 1996 Base/Basic Holo Set in PSA 10?
Thank you for your time!
$1250 or so would be my guesstimation. I value the big 3 around $600 and I averaged the other holos at $50 each. However, some are worth quite a bit more so my estimate is probably on the lower side.
Basically, if you’re buying try to pay $1250 and if you’re selling you might be able to get $1500+. Hope that helps.
Thats is a great help! Appreciate your time
If you’re willing to be patient and spend time on auctions you can get them for fairly low prices. Some examples:
T](https://www.ebay.com/itm/1996-Pokemon-Japanese-Basic-9-Blastoise-Holo-GEM-MINT-PSA-10-/173364339219?_sop=15&hash=item285d51e213%3Ag%3Ae6QAAOSwpchbIduj&_nkw=japanese+blastoise+psa+10&_sacat=0&_from=R40&LH_Complete=1&rt=nc&nma=true&si=EHrfB%252BjKSRqt%252FXpg92ibIVog1G0%253D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&_trksid=p2047675.l2557)his will take you quite some time however, probably months.
Japanese Base is undervalued at the moment so it’s a buyer’s market.
Well yeah you can be patient and save $50 on Charizard or miss out and watch it go back to $400-500. I don’t follow the Japanese market, so I was surprised it dropped that much.
We have a member here that earned $1000 for it just a few months ago.