help, Anyone have any information?

I have a Blastoise base set card which i trying to find info on if possible, some have told me it may be a very rare error but i have no way of verifying and would like to see if anyone in here might know or point me in the right direction possibly. I have literally found nothing online or anywhere about the card. Error is that its missing the wording"Illus" from the bottom left hand corner. Please and thank you in advance.


Pics are pretty bad quality, any chance of some better ones?

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I can see it in the bottom one - neat error :open_mouth:

Use a better light source, shine a torch at the error, exit the cave where you took the pictures, maybe use two candles instead of one as a light source plz


theres better pictures of it in the collection/ addition forum, as far as the sarcastic comments go someone that commented was able to see it at least, so it could just be you need better glasses or need glasses in general from being in the down under for too long haha

thank you!! still trying to figure out information on it haha

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same post in collection/ addition thread section had updated the pictures better on there, didn’t update these ones sorry. if you’re wanting to check it out they’re up there

We understand were the error is, we need better quality/more clear pictures to comment on it

Being in the down under too long?

You’ve posted shitty pictures of a card and are asking for confirmation and details on an unknown error.

It’s like asking for confirmation Bigfoot exists using a disposable camera at night.

We just need clear pictures, or possibly even a scan of the card?

Did you take those photos with a fucking flip phone? Take at least one decent photo so we can analyze the spot where “illustrator” is missing. Proceeding to get out of your underground mole nest and taking at least one photo with a decent camera(phone) in sunlight, would help. We’re here to help, but if you can’t help us then it ends there.

By the (low quality)looks of things the ‘K’ in Ken Sugimori is faded. With that being said this could’ve been in alteration made by hand. Either with acetone and a cotton swab or another technique, just to create an illusion of a ‘unique’ and or ‘new discovery’ error. Either to troll and or scam someone out. If it is indeed an actual newly discovered error than great, and thanks for sharing.

But again without a proper photo/scan you can only help yourself. Good luck finding an answer.


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Since we can’t get a decent picture of the error i wouldn’t recommend anybody showing interest cause it can’t be verified. Often times the cards are manipulated and changed:(

Do not simplify my words!

That’s going to cost you a 1E Charizard.

Thanks, I will pm you my address shortly.

Haha…actually, your post wasnt there when I started writing. I guess great minds really do think alike:) Of course, weak ones do to🤔

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Hit the nail on the head

Guys rather than jumping on the dude you lot could have asked a bit nicer! They are right though… none of these photos are clear enough to make a judgement so I suggest either borrowing someone else’s camera or making a scan of the card so we can see it better.


No prisoners are taken in this forum :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel like this is like the bit in the animae when ash asks charizard to help and fight for him and charizard uses flamethrower on ash as he’s not a great trainer yet.