Hello! I bought a collection a while back and I just realized that in the binder full of japanese gym challenge cards, about 80 of the cards have no rarity symbol on them, is this a relatively rare misprint? I only see a few of them on ebay, does anyone know any history or have good information on this?
I am going to guess they are all promo cards, but do you have photos?
I’ll get some hold on!
No luck, my camera is abysmal atm because my phone broke and I’m using a loaner, probably promos though? Was there like an entire promo release of the set or something? There’s 80+ cards and almost no duplicates
I have noticed this as well with Japanese Gym Challenge, it seems to be relatively uncommon in my experience (though my sample size is small). I’m not sure what the background is on them though.
I have brought this up before in some other threads, but its still very unknown by the major community.
All gym challenge/heroes cards in Japanese that have “no rarity” came from theme decks, and are not the same hidden gems as the base no rarity.
PSA does not have a listing for specific cards when they grade them as “gym challenge no rarity” but will list them in the PSA population if they catch them as the specific decks or “towns” that they came from. For instance, I graded a Blaine’s arcanine from the guren town deck, and while I did not put anything about it being from the deck they labeled as such and its a Pop 1, versus a much higher pop in the normal Gym Challenge series listings. There have only been two cards listed with the guren town subset that have been caught by PSA, versus 85 that were normal.
Normal Gym 2- 43 Gem 10’s
No rarity Guren town- 1 Gem 10
The only issue I see with this, is I am guessing some of the previous cards graded that did not get the subset for the deck, should have been in that subset and it would be pretty awesome if there was two different POP reports for the same card, minus the symbol. Not much you can do in terms of correcting it.
Hope this helps, just know if you were to crack a NIVI or GUREN town deck, or any of the 6 of them, you would find all “no rarity” cards inside.
Oh yeah I see those decks on ebay! Cool thanks a bunch for the insight! Nice to know where they came from!!
Gym decks in Japanese had no rarity symbols. Not a misprint, just from decks.
Deck cards, rhey have some unique arts that werent in the set. Best set ever! Also loved finding out about the coro coro promos. Gym is the best set ever!