Will PSA 10 for 151 be annoying to get?
I have so many binder 151 cards and they all have a nick in the top edge
Bless I am no longer a slab collector
Will PSA 10 for 151 be annoying to get?
I have so many binder 151 cards and they all have a nick in the top edge
Bless I am no longer a slab collector
Makes deoxys look easy
I dont think itll be too bad given the sheer amount modern is printed, but who knows. Evolutions proved to be tough This is a different holo type tho
Depends, so far the Japanese 151 cards look good compare to the English.
English 151 quality has been pretty terrible from what I can tell. So many cards come out of the pack with dings at the top. Centering is also poor most of the time. Doesn’t look easy to casually gem.
I think that 10s will be hard for the average submitter, but they will not be scarce by any stretch of the imagination. There are simply so many cards printed nowadays that even poor print quality cannot calm the pop report.
I think it’ll be hard if you’re trying to grade a set yourself, however picking them up off the secondary market will be pretty calm. Sure its tough-ish to grade but there are sooo many of them slinging through PSA on a daily basis