Free Advice (PSA market for new cards)

Hey everyone, wanted to give out some free top quality advice.

PSA market for new cards will not hold. I think while the awareness of PSA cards is shooting up, the availability of hidden fates and cards that “look expensive” (shiny,hyper rare, full art) is causing everyone to submit their cards. I, like many of you, am probably biased against new cards in general but I’d love to see how pop grows and prices move over the next six months for Hidden Fates and others.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Feel free to disagree in the comments, I’d love to hear what you’re thinking

RemindMe June 15th 2020
SV49 at 500 copies graded 12/15

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So the PSA 10s are a no, but SV49 Black Labels are an unequivocal YES right? Especially considering just how tough it is to grade these modern releases.

Here we go again:

/S /S /S /S /S /S /S /S
/S /S /S /S /S /S /S /S
/S /S /S /S /S /S /S /S

Edit: E4 is where sarcasm comes to die. Lesson learned, twice. No matter how abundantly clear I try to make it, I’m inevitably suffocated by testosterone.

I guess maybe because I’m a woman I can’t help but come off as a complete dumbass? Women can’t possibly understand nuanced card things, rite?

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Black Label pop is at 98. For the memes I’m hopping its 100 by the end of the year!

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You have to consider how hard it is to get any of these particular cards with that many hypers & secrets when there are a limited amount per box. If you are only getting 1 per booster box and there are 30 possibilities that single card or an entire set becomes difficult.

Modern cards are definitely not hard to grade.

Late XY (except Evolutions) and early SM sets had terrible print quality

DAMNIT. /S /S /S /S /S /S /S /S /S /S

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i sleep ZzzZzz


I don’t think it’s possible to not get a PSA 10 from a hidden fates pack fresh card lol. They are so damn perfect out of pack.

Over the years, many of my very best customers and co-collectors have been women. Smarter, more articulate, and passionate about the hobby,
And I don’t say this cause I have no testosterone left;)

Oh Gary, they’re still around - they’ve all just migrated to the discord server. Nothing but sunshine and rainbows over there. A woman’s paradise, if you will! /s


I get what you’re saying, so theres a 1/350 chance of pulling SV49 from any given hidden fates pack and 76% of them get a PSA 10. Unless the cost of a pack of hidden fates starts to rise, there really isnt room for growth.

What does the /S mean? I have never seen this before

Edit: sometimes I forget we live in a day and age where almost any question imaginable on Gods green earth can be typed into Googles search bar and answered within seconds haha. I did this and learned the meaning! I suck at internet slang…

But feel free to answer anyway, to resurrect the tradition of a human asking another human a question to obtain knowledge!


Probably because Duchess is really (S)erious about everything she says :wink:

All kidding aside; it stands for sarcastic

Thank you! And thank you @surfnsnow. Not long after I asked that question I remembered Google and looked it up, hence my edit while you two were responding.

And jahbless91, I think I have told you before some time ago but I’ll say it again in case it was someone else with a gnarly wooper themed profile picture, your profile picture freaking rules! That image is outstanding. I’m a huge wooper fan! I’d love to see that image on a future tcg card of some sort!

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