For position only cards

Sorry if this has been asked before. But I saw someone on social media mention that a bunch of for position cards were found in recent years yet their prices are still high?

I know nothing about these cards so any help would he appreciated.

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Is it true that the market was flooded by then recently?


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It looks like this article needs a little formatting cleanup :slightly_smiling_face:


Wouldnt say flooded but definitely more packs were opened recently.

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How did they make packs out of prototype cards? Also how did they get them? Lol

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That was actually really informative! Thank you!

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One more for you. Its explained just before the 1 minute mark. For Position Only [FPO] TEST Pokemon Cards - COMPLETE 8 card Set w/ Background - YouTube

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Thank you!

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There were a few more introduced, but still one of the rarest things in Pokemon out there all things considered. Also nice that they are hyper niche, so can still be decently reasonable to pickup

I’m just glad that Clefable got one

I have given it some love!


Anyone have an updated count of all cards pulled to date and possibly how many packs left? Found an E4 thread but I think it says not updated in 2022

I reformatted that thread but didn’t do the investigation work to find the current count

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Thanks! Do you know when the last time you updated your numbers was? I’ll do some investigating

It’s not my thread but it was a good guide that needed a polish with new scans, etc

The numbers are probably years old now

I think only a few packs were found. Not a mass of packs but I also know nothing