Fazool's Collection

Wow! Great update! Did you get the grade on the no.1 pika upped?

Those carddass cards are too sick! I envy your starters most of all. Nice job; (Yes I just saw them) :blush:

So I really have to go gunhoe on updating this. My collection is magnitudes larger than when I started and I never really posted a lot of it then (obviously with a 2 post thread).

I just won my first gold star card, and I am going to treat it as a kick in the pants to fully update on my collection. Going to throw in my MTG collection as well :stuck_out_tongue:

See you then :blush:


@fazool how did you win the gold star? Interested in seeing the MTG collection

SO I decided that the way I am going to end up doing this is to try and force myself to post a card a day. Today will be the day I start with a card I really love -

Banette ex from EX Legend Maker

And a copy to match my old reliable one

stay tuned for tomorrow :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Day 2 and Iā€™ve decided to post a bit of an oddity. This is Black Star Promo 21 Moltres, given away during attendance of PokĆ©mon the Movie 2000: The Power of One.

Something went a little wrong in the production of this card however !

Black Star Promo 21: Moltres

You can see the alignment dots, and just a tiny little bit of the Articuno peaking its card in.


Hello guys! Today I will be posting a gem I really love in addition to my card for the day:

A 2009 Championships DSi Prize

DS prizes were given out in the years 2008, 2009, and 2010. The first year being an Orange DS featuring pikachu, this 2009 version in Blue and White, and a 2010 version in yellow with a white outline of pikachu and friends hula dancing.

My card for today is:

1st Edition Scratch Pinsir from Jungle

Pinsir is one of my absolute favorites cards, and this error is one of the most unique he has. Somehow this scratch in the card above the first edition stamp was mass produced, revealing the holofoil underneath. How on earth this happened I have no clue. Your guess is as good as mine. Iā€™d love to know if anyone has some idea of what scraped the cards on the Pinsir part of the sheet !


The card for today is:

Japanese Neo No. 249 Lugia

A wonderful card with one of the most iconic arts of the era. The holofoil sports a white, red, blue, and yellow shine to represent the 3 legendary birds as well as Lugia themselves.

As a bonus today I wanted to include some fun toys in my collection as well.

**The Tiger 1998 Pokedex**  

And lastly, one of the funniest products Iā€™ve ever seen. This is a Raichu figure that I have had since Kindergarten when I was just a 5 year old lad in 1998. Iā€™ve kept it through all the years as I just canā€™t get over how it looks. I donā€™t know what is going on with his tail, ears, and cheeks being green but I wouldnā€™t have it any other way !


The card for the day isā€¦

Fossil #19 Dragonite

#19 being the non-holo version means that it is not for everyone. I personally prioritize getting both if possible to see the art in a different light. Evolutions reverse holos were a joy beacause of this. The Dragoniteā€™s normal type card border pairs so well with the vivid rainbow (much like neo gen Lugia) for a very memorable image.

As a bonus I am posting a few more minor things todayā€¦

Toys Rā€™ Us Alolan Vulpix

A card I like quite a bit, with plenty to enjoy. An art that evokes a certain user on e4. Rest in Peace Geoffrey the Giraffe.

The final bit for today features one of, if not the most sophisticated Pokemon. They need to introductionā€¦



The card for the day isā€¦

One Free
Chips & Queso

Just kidding, the actual card isā€¦
Hole-Punched Pichu Card

I do not know a ton about this card, but it a unique part of my collection that I really enjoy.

As a bonus for today I am including a small piece Iā€™ve had in my Zelda collection since childhood.

**A Game & Watch Zelda Multi-Screen Console





Itā€™s one of the three Manhole promos. The other being Hoppip and the Manhole card itself. All information I know about them can be found spread in the three pages of this thread: www.elitefourum.com/t/any-information-on-these-cards/12600/1

Nice collection posts thus far btw. Love the individual highlights of these unique items. :blush: Keep up the great work.



I second this! Thanks for keeping it interesting with each post!

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It has been quite a while since I made an update in my collection thread, so here is a shelf I have of new items that I need to figure out how to properly display

In the spirit of the the rest of the collection thread I figured I would also put up a hot stonk tip. Big Box Math Blaster CIB on Floppy Disc. You didnā€™t hear it from me, but this is about to BLOW UP


Oh god Math Blasterā€¦ reminds me of elementary school.

The Battle Road trophies are nice too. And the physical trophy.

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