Fake cards affecting the market or not?

@nuttun Your post was so informative and helpful; I wish I could have given you an E4 version of Reddit gold! Also, your posts are always so patient. You are like the ambassador (or maybe translator) to the new members.


Your “aging of the card process”, beyond observation…doesn’t exist.
Wine and paintings have long history’s of being forged.

I would recommend to you only to purchase from sellers that deal regularly in the high end collectible market. There’s no gamble that way;)

Aw thank you :heart_eyes: ! Honestly, knowing that some members (like you) appreciate my detailed posts is all I need in trying my best to help out other members in the community. Everyone needs to start off somewhere, and when I first joined Efour everyone was super patient and kind with me too. I just want to pass off how I felt entering the community with anyone else joining, and it’s never a bad thing to lend a hand!

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*95% sure this is just Jayden the squishy faced attention whore.

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@smpratte can check his registered email

He could make any new e-mail address. Too convenient that a brand new account registers to make a new post about it once he was no longer getting attention on here.

I agree i think it’s Jayden. He probably did a new email after Scott already showed he registered his business email on a throwaway recently.

Seems like he’s just trying to push our buttons since we’ve been basically working on erasing his means of selling counterfeit goods.

I could be wrong, but the pedantic stubbornness smells familiar

Hi bank teller, why should I put my money with you? Money is valuable so people will try to fake it. How do I know the money I get from the ATM is real? Oh, because the quality is crap and it looks like crap and is very obvious to anyone who has handled money before.

Low blow! I have a Princess Celestia clear chase variant by Funko that is signed by the voice actress I am quite happy to have in my collection.


I think the fake GX lots hurt more. If you look them up they’re selling thousands and thousands of these and these sales all hurt retail stores and card shops.

The reviews are mostly from parents and grandparents. Why spend hundreds and hundreds to not have your child get the card they want when they just just buy a 20 GX lot with the charizard for $2.50?

The kid is probably too young to realize what a counterfeit is. The parents are happy because they’re saving a boat load of money.

Pokemon doesnt care since they don’t even bother to have these listings removed and neither does eBay since theyre getting their cut of profit. Even though counterfeits are supposedly not allowed on there.


As the quality of fake cards begins to approach real cards, the costs associated with equipment, materials, research, etc grows asymptotically.

As of today, the costs associated with producing a convincing (to a mildly trained eye) fake are just way to limiting. If it was easy, it would already be happening in baseball

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Just make the money straight up: The World Leader in Counterfeiting: Lima's Fake Dollars - YouTube

There will always be people making counterfeits of anything, valuable or not. My best advice would be to weed sellers out through feedback/ references. Be especially careful when purchasing raw cards, especially the old stuff. If you’re unsure of something, take a picture and get third party opinions.