EX Fire Red Leaf Green Legendary Bird cosmos holo error

A kind user on Instagram shared with me a Zapdos with the cosmos holo pattern from other exs in FRLG as opposed to the shattered glass pattern. He also encountered an Articuno with this error. Has anyone else come across these? Thanks Alec for sharing if you’re on e4.


Same. In my experience it’s almost always Articuno

That’s me! I have this Zapdos and I’ve had an Articuno in the past, but I’ve never seen a Moltres. It’s a cool variant!

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Do we think all the Ex’s in this set have this variant?


I always thought they all had both “cracked” and “cosmos” foil (on the same card), but you’re saying they typically don’t have any cosmos and just have cracked?

I have seen all three in last 4 years. Articuno does appear to be the most common, but could be just be the same copies circulating. The cracked foil layer is applied on top of the card so is the final stage.

Only the secret rare birds have the cracked holo foil layer + Cosmos layer similar to the Regis in ex Hidden Legends.


I’ve seen the Articuno at least three times, and Zapdos once before. Also never seen the Moltres.

Here two other threads about the Articuno:

@regigigagod Joe has a pretty cool miscut of the error as well :blush:



A buddy of mine actually bought a zapdos was ex from a convention this past February and it had the no shatter holo as well. There should be more out there if at least a whole sheet got through without that holo layer. But I’ve also never seen a moltres, and I think I’ve seen a few articuno as well.

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