Error Dragonite

Looking for ungraded:
Dark Dragonite error 1st and unlimited
Dragonite Movie Promo inverted Stamp error

Don’t know the right price but we can speak about that.

Thank you

There is currently an Inverted Stamp Promo on eBay:

Not sure how I feel about that price though. Not to mentioned an additional 250 USD for shipping + import to me…

Then again, if it were the Inverted Stamp Promo Pikachu, I would probably have paid it… :slightly_smiling_face: The Dragonite and Mewtwo seems to pop up way more often than the Electabuzz and Pikachu.


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I have sold my reverse stamp electabuzz for 700 dollar and it was in worse condition than the Dragonite listed. Also considering the Dragonite is probably more sought after I don’t think you will be finding one much cheaper.

And quuador, there’s always ways around import fees haha :blush:

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