E4's Favorite Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Wartortle (Closed - Results)

How this works:

There will be 2 sections of Voting

Design: the concept aesthetic overall

  • the “Design” poll is just to get a rough count of participants. PLEASE make sure to vote in this.

Cards: individual cards

  • cards are listed in chronological order based on first release
    • unless it makes sense otherwise to group them with other cards released at a different time.
  • cards within a similar release will be grouped together, followed by an option for each individually
  • vote for any card that you like.

The polls will automatically close on Sunday at 12PM Pacific Time. I will edit this post and title to count down from least to most voted, and we will see which cards are E4’s Favorite.

Most of these images are pulled from quick google searches, eBay, or Bulbapedia if they had a large enough file. If you'd like me to replace an image, you're welcome to post it in the comments.



:1st_place_medal: - Ivysaur: 8.62/10 (55 Voters)
:3rd_place_medal: - Charmeleon: 7.66/10 (53 Voters)
:2nd_place_medal: - Wartortle: 8.47/10 (55 Voters)


Dishonorable Mentions (10 or Less Votes)

71st/72nd - 3 Votes

68-70th - 4 Votes

64-67th - 5 Votes

62nd/63rd - 6 Votes

59th-61st - 9 Votes

57/58th - 10 Votes

24-56th (11-20 Votes)

54-56th - 11 Votes

49th-53rd - 12 Votes

43rd-48th - 13 Votes

39th-42nd - 14 Votes

37/38th - 15 Votes

35/36th - 16 Votes

34th - 17 Votes

29th-33rd - 18 Votes

27/28th - 19 Votes

24-26th - 20 Votes

Honorable Mentions (21-30 Votes)

23rd - 21 Votes

20th-22nd - 22 Votes

18/19th - 23 Votes

17th - 24 Votes

15/16th - 25 Votes

13/14th - 26 Votes

12th - 28 Votes

11th - 30 Votes

Top 10 (31+ Votes)

10th - 31 Votes

9th - 32 Votes

7/8th - 34 Votes

6th - 35 Votes

5th - 39 Votes

4th - 40 Votes

Tie - 2nd/3rd - 43 Votes

:1st_place_medal: 1st - 51 Votes (93% of Voters!)

Exit Poll

“______” has the best cards so far

  1. Wartortle - 36%
  2. Ivysaur - 34%
  3. Charmeleon - 30%



Voting Scale:

[ 1 The Worst ] ↔ [ 10 The Best ]

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
0 voters
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
0 voters
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
0 voters


Original Era

1996 Base Set

  • Ivysaur
0 voters
  • Charmeleon
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters

1997 Rocket

  • Dark Charmeleon
0 voters
  • Dark Wartortle
0 voters

1999 Southern Islands

  • Ivysaur
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters

1999 Intro Pack Decks

  • Ivysaur
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters

1999 Gym 2 / Challenge

  • Erika’s Ivysaur
0 voters
  • Blaine’s Charmeleon
0 voters


  • 2001 Dark Ivysaur - Trainer’s Magazine v10
0 voters


2001 Pokemon-e Starter Deck / Expedition

  • Ivysaur
0 voters
  • Charmeleon
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters

2002 Trainer’s Magazine v17

  • Ivysaur
0 voters
  • Charmeleon
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters


  • 2003 Charmeleon - Gift Box Latias Half Deck / EX Dragon SR
0 voters
  • 2004 Charmeleon - ADV-P Meiji Promo / TRR Box Topper
0 voters

2004 Flight of Legends Starter Decks / EX Fire Red Leaf Green

  • Ivysaur
0 voters
  • Charmeleon
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters
  • 2004 Ivysaur - PCG-P Gym Lottery / POP 2
0 voters
  • 2004 Ivysaur - Master Kit Bulbasaur Quarter Deck / POP 3
0 voters

2006 Miracle Crystal Decks & Set / EX Crystal Guardians

  • Ivysaur - Earth’s Groudon Deck / Crystal Guardians 34
0 voters
  • Charmeleon - Earth’s Groudon Deck / Lightning Delta
0 voters
  • Wartortle - Ocean’s Kyogre Deck / Crystal Guardians 42
0 voters
  • Ivysaur - Crystal Guardians 35
0 voters
  • Charmeleon
0 voters
  • Wartortle - Crystal Guardians 43
0 voters
  • 2006 Charmeleon - Lightning Delta AA - PCG-P Shogakukan Elementary School Mag / POP 5
0 voters
  • 2007 Charmeleon - EX Power Keepers / World Championship Pack
0 voters


2007 DP2 / Secret Wonders

  • Ivysaur
0 voters
  • Charmeleon
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters
  • 2008 Charmeleon - Base Set AA - Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky / Stormfront
0 voters
  • 2008 Wartortle - Pt1 / Platinum
0 voters
  • 2008 Ivysaur - Pt3 / Supreme Victors
0 voters
  • 2009 Charmeleon - Pt4 / Arceus
0 voters


  • 2009 Wartortle - Blastoise Battle Starter Deck / Unleashed
0 voters


  • 2011 Ivysaur - BW4 / Dark Explorers
0 voters

2012 BW6 / Boundaries Crossed

  • Charmeleon
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters
  • 2012 Wartortle - BW6 AA - BW-P September Gym Challenge
0 voters
  • 2013 Wartortle - Blastoise & Kyurem Black EX Deck / Plasma Blast
0 voters
  • 2013 Charmeleon - EBB / Legendary Treasures
0 voters


  • 2016 Charmeleon - CP3 / Generations Radiant Collection
0 voters


  • 2017 Charmeleon - sm3H / Burning Shadows
0 voters
  • 2017 Ivysaur - Shining Legends
0 voters
  • 2018 Charmeleon - sm6a / Dragon Majesty
0 voters
  • 2018 Charmeleon - sm8b / Hidden Fates
0 voters

2018 sm9 / Team Up

  • Charmeleon
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters
  • 2019 Charmeleon - smL Family Card Game / Hidden Fates
0 voters


  • 2020 Charmeleon - s4 / Vivid Voltage
0 voters

2022 PoGO

  • Ivysaur
0 voters
  • Charmeleon
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters


2023 151

  • Ivysaur
0 voters
  • Charmeleon
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters
  • Ivysaur - AR / IR
0 voters
  • Charmeleon - AR / IR
0 voters
  • Wartortle - AR / IR
0 voters
  • 2023 Charmeleon - sv3 / OBF
0 voters

2023 My First Battle

  • Ivysaur
0 voters
  • Charmeleon
0 voters
  • Wartortle
0 voters

2023 sv4a / Paldean Fates

  • Charmeleon - Main Set
0 voters
  • Charmeleon - Baby Shiny
0 voters

Exit Poll

______ has the best cards so far
  • Ivysaur
  • Charmeleon
  • Wartortle
0 voters


Best modern card here and they had to put it in GO…


kurumitsu always seems to bust out bangers


No contest. The GOAT.


100%, voted of course


I wonder if its getting ready to evolve with the flower opening? Seems like an odd early detail that wasnt fully determined at this point.


Could it be using Solar Beam?


I went into this thinking I was an Ivysaur man but now I don’t know…


The attacks are leech seed and vine whip so maybe its leech seed in action?

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It’s a tough choice especially with original era cards, Erika’s Ivysaur is still my all time favourite from Kanto middle evolutions yet I also think Wartortle has the best overall lineup.

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Dark charmeleon the goat


Even though i fully support @D3F14NC3 on this i have to say i was surprised how much better art ivysaur has compared to others, i liked so many of them that much that i had to go back and give ivysaur in first poll higher vote since i originally voted all three the same number


maybe i started this poll too early in the week. I was expecting more participation

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There have been a lot of polls recently. If they are so common, they can become cumbersome to go through.

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yeah i feel that. maybe they’ll start being every other week if this is a common sentiment. i know the illustration contest polls in particular were exhausting

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Saw the title and inmediately went to vote for T Promo Ivysaur/Charmeleon/Wartortle …
I really like that artwork a lot …

I hope to find this Trainers Magazine volume someday …


I wonder why, these are top fun to go through and a very nice fit for E4 imo


I found that I didn’t vote for as many as I thought I would. Middle evolutions are tough. Like tweens in early adolescents. Middle schoolers of the Pokemon world. They are not the cute first stage and haven’t yet made it to their cooler final evolution.

one more day to get your votes in if you haven’t already :slight_smile:



This one is a lot harder to figure out…

  • 1st place by far is Charmeleon, but the next highest is 12th place lol
  • Ivysaur had 5 out of the top 10, but was last to fill out its top 10 slots
  • Wartortle was the first to reach its top 10 (by one vote before Charmeleon)

so overall, i’d say the results are fairly representative