Does this look to be tampered/ resealed?

I’ve never seen a wrap with a hole in it. It’s like this on two sides of the box and the seal overall seems loose

Are there more pics of the box? Its kind of raising some red flags though

Is there wizards logos on the seal? Some older magic the gathering boxes had seals with open holes on the ends like this. They also have WOTC logos on the seal. This box could have been re-sealed with a MTG box seal. I would stay away from this.

Belgium Neo Discovery boxes were sealed like this, is this made in Belgium?


I didn’t realize this box was Spanish so I could be wrong in my post above ^^^. I have no clue on how Spanish boxes were sealed.

show pics of the whole box

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Looks good to me

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Nothing I can see suggests its been resealed

edit; on the bottom it says; ‘Hecho en Belgica’

which is Spanish for ‘Made in Belgium’


Slightly off-topic perhaps, but: if anyone here bought the 1st edition Spanish Neo Genesis box and plans to open it: if you have the Spanish 1st edition Neo Genesis Pikachu I’m interested in buying a copy. Only Neo Genesis Pikachu card I’m still missing…


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I have a Spanish Base box that has the same writing on the bottom with holes like that on the side