Does a PSA9 ever out-value its PSA10?

Just as the title, does any PSA 9 card in pokemon history ever out-values its PSA 10? This is leaned more towards the japanese cards as there are usually more PSA 10s than there are PSA 9s in the new-back sets. The obvious answer is a big NO but has anyone of you collectors experienced otherwise? Just a thought in the shower :confused:

I would assume no.

Similar type of thread came up on a sports card forum. The question was, would an all white patch every be more expensive than a 2clr or 3clr? The question came up because Upper Deck has tweeted out a picture of all 99 copies of a certain card, and something like only 15% were single color white, with the other 85% being multi color. It was the same answer here too.

Unless its something crazy, like 100 to 1 ratio between 10s and 9s, the better grade SHOULD also be more valuable.

Absolutely not lol, population means squat when the card is an inferior grade.

and if in some parallel universe it meant anything, people could easily crack their 10’s and purposely damage their cards so they grade 9’s. So either way it doesn’t make sense

Aside from anomalies, this cannot and will not happen. The reason being that anyone could turn a 10 into a 9 on purpose by scuffing an edge. You can never turn a 9 into a 10.

In an insane circumstance you may have someone willing to pay more for a 9 than for a 10. Heck even a 2. A pop 1 highly desirable card in PSA 2 that someone with unlimited money and unlimited desire to own that card to complete a 1-10 set could fetch a stupid amount.

Highly unlikely, and even then, though a 9/8/7/6.5 etc. may fetch more in any single instance, that does not make it truly “more valuable”. A 10 can theoretically be turned into a 9, but not the other way around (avoiding multiple regrade discussion on this point).

I am actually very tempted to do this to my Charizards because I am in an unhealthy relationship with all my 9s :slightly_frowning_face:

Thanks for the replies guys :blush: It’s just a thought that came up when I was thinking about people who collect ONLY PSA 9s.

I can think of a lot of scenarios where someone might pay more for the PSA 9, but I’ve never seen it happen.


Its possible under very rare circumstances. An example being a misprint or error which cannot get a 10, would be more valuable as a 9 then a regular version of a 10.

-Signed cards (Arita etc.)
-9OC/MC etc. Cards MAYBE
-Cards owned by famous people (Elvis Presley’s 1st Ed. Charizard)
-But 99.99999% will never happen


Dat 0.00001% chance for Elvis Presley’s 1st Ed. Charizard doe :sunglasses:


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I think it’s possible if it has some insane history behind it, like if it was a personal copy previously owned and signed by Satoshi Tajiri.

The Gretzky T206 is the most valuable card in the hobby and it’s partly due to the previous owners of the card. Without that it would have been rejected long time ago after it was found out it was altered, but because of it’s history (even if tarnished) it has just skyrocketed in value.

Edit Gretzky to Wagner.

The stupidest question ive ever heard has actually turned into an interesting conversation lol.

Arita was a little kid when Elvis died so unlikely Elvis had a charizard lol.


But if there were 2 copies of the card both previous owned and signed by the same person and 1 got a 10 and the other a 9, the 10 in this scenario would be worth way more.

I feel like in order to compare anything, the cards should at least be in the same group/category.
Let’s say Card X (not signed) received a PSA 10 and another Card X (signed) received a PSA 9. That signed card should be worth way more than the 10-not signed counterpart but it’s in a different category. So I don’t think it’s really fair to compare it like that.

Please tell me that made sense. It’s 3:14 am here lol

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Lol. Makes sense to me but it’s only midnight here;)

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@garyis2000 The King never dies :wink: