Do you insure your collection?

I have trouble thinking the average thief is going to grab boxes of cards. I think they would go after cell phones and jewelry. I did not mention cash, because that is spent too fast. lol

As far as theft goes, I have almost nothing to be worried about. Because I live in Japan :rofl:


In my safe, I use these:

The color indication is nice. Reusable. Cheap. Effective. Not overly space consuming.

I live in Maryland, we are probably the worst. If not, top 5 sadly. Illinois being up there as well.

Here is what I find interesting, unless someone breaking in knows before hand about your collection why would they go after Pokemon cards? I canā€™t imagine someone breaking in my house where I live and scavenging through cabinets and closets to find a pokemon card binder. I would imagine the only card most people outside of the hobby know are the Charizard card and it ends there.

Insuring/preparing for natural disaster, house fire, etc. seems more practical.

Though of course if someone breaks in my house, I know what I am grabbing first as well :wink:

it really would be hard to believe a person breaking into a house for a pokemon collection. Unless that house is one of the top collectors homes where there collections are known widely to be very large and containing very rare and expensive cards. Other then that I donā€™t see it happening. But just incase I have more then just my cards in my safe.

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I donā€™t for two reasons:

  1. My cards arenā€™t worth that much to insure.
  2. I lack the proper finances being in college to insure them.

Top collectors most likely have their high end stuff stored in banks or somewhere outside the home. If not, it is in a safe. I know one collector that has a safe large enough for me to get inside.

I think it would be a sad day if someone targeted a collector, especially for pokemon. I donā€™t know how someone could wake up in the morning knowing they pre meditated robbing a pokemon card collection.

Oh and @pokeg typically when you buy a safe the packs come with the safe. If not, what Charlie posted will work, or any packs you can find online will do the trick.

Would you say these collectors view their collection more as a ā€œstockā€ type of investment then? Itā€™s hard for me to imagine collecting something and to rarely ever see it. But I do understand if someone had a card worth 20k and wanted to insure it outside of the home. On a personal level I canā€™t relate, but at the same time I am not saying it is wrong for a collector not to view their collection everyday. At the end of the day they can do what they please, makes no difference to me especially if its beneficial to the hobby (like ensuring a card with limited printing gets closest to the absolute best protection possible. i.e. a bank safe)

I guess this would be getting a bit off topic, interesting to think about.

How dare you live in a country where people are, on the whole, a lot more civil than mine.


The problem with guns is you have to be there 24-7. Consider fire-proof safes, video systems and alarms to secure your collection

In Australia you can list collections as part of your general home and contents insurance i think?

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Collections are a bit tricky to insure in Australia as they would normally require an independent valuation. Otherwise, in the event of theft or loss, you will have to produce document like receipts (invoice) that shows how much you paid for items in your collection to help determine values and support your claim. If someone nicks your Illustrator, youā€™ll have a hard time getting the insurance company to pay up.


Canā€™t that iselect guy help us find the right choice which coverā€™s it or somethingā€¦

Pardon my french but shits getting real! Guns, video systems and alarms? Pokemon has gotten serious! In all honesty the best protection you can give your collection is a fireproof safe, desiccant and a healthy does of common sense :blush:


Not to give away all security measures, but security cameras have become very affordable and nifty. The ones I have will livefeed to my phone, record audio, sense heat, etc. Everything is backed up on the cloud & locally. Email notifications with recordings are sent real-time whenever a breach occurs. Itā€™s a heck of a way to remember the regular handyman is stopping by.

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A fireproof safe should be a standard when you spend 1k or more on your collection.


Wrong thread, but thatā€™s also where I keep my hidden gems in

I was on auto-pilot for a moment there! :stuck_out_tongue:

The only form of insurance/protection I have is a fireproof safe. With the amount of cards just sprawled around my room, itā€™s an inferno waiting to happen, so the safe seemed logical.